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Mideast Media Sampler 11/14/2013 -- Any Agreement is Better than No Agreement?

We reported over the weekend that Two Gonzaga students alive but facing expulsion because ignored gun-free policy. The students just found out that they will not be suspended.  Via, Gonzaga Univ. students allowed to stay following gun incident Gonzaga University will not expel two...

The Ithaca Journal has an investigative article on the rollout of Common Core in the upstate Southern Tier region of New York State, Common Core fix for schools has broken parts. The article is in depth and frank in the assessments from school administrators and...

Just a collection of links, for now. Carl at Israel Matzav has gathered the explanation as to what went wrong in Obama’s Iran deal strategy. Here’s one of the tweets in a series of 9, go to the link for the rest: Netanyahu was...

I have been telling you for at least a year that Elizabeth Warren will be a serious challenger to Hillary, if she wants it. You have to realize that Democrats in general, and particularly the liberal base, don’t give a hoot about Warren’s rip-off of...

As efforts move forward toward an end of November deadline to fix the troubled website, new issues are being revealed in the process, according to a report from Reuters/via Yahoo: The Obama administration’s adviser Jeffrey Zients said on Friday that the trouble-plagued federal healthcare...

Mideast Media Sampler 11/08/2013 -- Yasser, that's a conspiracy theory.

John Kerry’s public warning to Israel that it will face a 3rd Intifada and international delegitimization unless it relinquishes “illegitimate” settlements and a final peace deal does not leave a single Israeli solder in the West Bank, was a clear threat. The threat took place in...

One part of my communications with Brown Prof. Naoko Shibusawa has stuck in my mind: “You can quote those two lines. Those only.” Shibusawa is the person featured in my post Tuesday night, Brown U. divestment committee faculty member signed 2009 letter calling Israel Apartheid state. ...

Fox News Projects McAuliffe wins #VAGOV — Kerry Picket (@KerryPicket) November 6, 2013 Big story in VA isn't womens vote (McAuliffe +8) but unmarried women (McAuliffe +42). — Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) November 6, 2013