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The murder trial of two Islamic radicals who hacked British soldier Lee Rigby to death on the street continues. We noted how the murderer pictured in so many of the newpaper covers holding a bloody machete argued in his defense that he was a “soldier...

The House is expected to vote soon on the budget deal. You can watch live on C-SPAN. We’ll update this post accordingly. UPDATE:  Budget deal was approved.  Final vote on Ryan/Murray Budget in House: 332 Yes, 94 No (Rs 169 yes – 62 no; Ds...

We have written extensively about the so-called Prawer-Begin Plan to redevelop Bedouin communities in the Negev desert. (added) The Plan never was official Israeli policy. It simply was a bill advancing through the Knesset but never fully approved and never law. The Plan would have...

Protests in Ukraine continued on Sunday, as hundreds of thousands reportedly gathered in the center of the capital of Kiev.  One group of protesters pulled down a statue of Vladimir Lenin. From the LA Times: Protesters toppled a monument to Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin on...

So who wants to sponsor an Octopus college scholarship? Yale to hold Non-Human Rights Conference U. Georgia Genetics Prof. Says Humans the Result of Chimpanzees Mating with Pigs And you thought I was joking when I said “Everyone Gets A Trophy“: Most Common Grade at...

As you read the rest of this post, please keep in mind that Elizabeth Warren never has authorized release of her hiring files at Harvard Law School or other employers to see whether her phony Native American and Cherokee status was known at the time...