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We have written many times before about Obama’s obsession with wind power, despite the huge massacre of migratory bird populations, questionable technology, and doubtful economics. Via Tim Blair (h/t Iowahawk) come this poinent video of a German windmill falling down, and a description of the...

At first I assumed this was an anti-Bush bumper sticker. From Danelle: Seen in North Texas But Danelle sent this link to the song Cowboy in The White House, and an article from 2003 about the song:

I have been following various faculty reactions to the Ray Kelly shout-down, including from Political Science Professor Marion Orr who apologized for inviting Kelly, and Biology Professor Ken Miller who issued a forceful denunciation of the shout-down. So when I saw an article in The...

The Extra Life website reportedly fell victim to a denial of service attack on Saturday, according to a post on the charity organization’s Facebook page. Extra Life is associated with the Children’s Miracle Network of Hospitals.  What started out in the Sarcastic Gamer community a...

Bill Clinton deceived the American people in a flagrant manner when he said, shaking his finger: Whatever narrow legal definition Clinton had used in his deposition in the Paula Jones lawsuit, virtually no one listening to what he said in that clip would think he...

The IRS Scandal is alive and kicking.  Although it is being drowned out of media attention by the Obamacare and Benghazi scandals. Two important revelations this week related to the targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups. First, Lois Lerner has been caught feeding confidential...

"especially to my black students and Latino brothers and sisters." Also, asked for list of who not to invite in future, but says was "tongue in cheek" request.

Jenny Li is a Brown University student, a fellow at the People for the American Way Foundation, helps run Brown Asian Sisters Empowered, and is an environmental activist who is Executive Director of the Brown emPower environmental group: She’s also someone who was proud to...

In our two prior posts, we explained how NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly was shouted down at Brown University by protesters against NYC’s stop and frisk policy: Brown U. students shout down Ray Kelly Brown U. student called “White Supremacist” for wanting to hear Ray...

More is coming to light in recent days and weeks to suggest that concerns about potential security issues with the website may be justified. In an article today from CNN, it was revealed that lack of testing of presented a security risk, according...

If only it were that benign. What probably will be the most viral moment from the Sebelius hearing this morning: And The Only Obamacare/Sebelius GIF You’ll Ever Need, from our friend Steve Gutkowski: