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Biden’s Border Disaster Week at Legal Insurrection

Biden’s Border Disaster Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

What’s happening on our southern border is unprecedented, and Biden is doing nothing about it.

More big news from Twitter this week.

This could get ugly.

Oh please.


Compare and contrast and LOL.

What is it with this administration?



The poor dears.

It looks like SBF might not get away with this.

This is a problem.

You don’t say.

World news.


One follows the other.

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Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform (CAIR) with collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. #HateLovesAbortion

ABC’s anchor Martha Raddatz accused Govs. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and former President Donald Trump of telling people the United States has “an open border, come on over” Sunday on “This Week.”

.. two years into the Biden Administration still can’t dig themselves out.

Passing the blame lies between childish and delusional.

Anyone can win with a hand full of good cards. The game is winning with the hand you are dealt.

What’s the appeal of a message like this, and to whom?