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VIDEO: Palestinian Terrorist Accidentally Ignites Himself While Throwing Molotov Cocktail

VIDEO: Palestinian Terrorist Accidentally Ignites Himself While Throwing Molotov Cocktail

The perp joins many compatriots who have died or been injured in Palestinian “Work Accidents”

Here we go again. Another example of a Palestinian Work Accident.

Roy Sharon, Military correspondent for Israeli KANN News, tweets (via Google Translate):

Tonight near Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion: throwing a Molotov cocktail, this time ending a little differently

(If video doesn’t load, click here).

The incident took place outside Kibbutz Migdal Oz in the Gush Etzion area of Judea that was inhabited by Jews prior to their explusion by Jordan after Israel’s War of Independence, in an area that all “two state” proposals have shown remaining with Israel:

Migdal Oz was established in 1977 on the site of Migdal Eder, a Jewish village destroyed 50 years previously early in the course of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The name is taken from a Biblical phrase describing God, written in Psalm 61:4 and Proverbs 18:10.

Gush Etzion and Kibutz Migdal Oz have been the scene of many terror attacks, including a shooting in 2018:

Gunshots were fired from a car with Palestinian license plates near the West Bank settlement of Kibbutz Migdal Oz on Sunday night in what the Israel Defense Forces called an attempted terror attack.

I can’t find other reports on whether the extent of the perp’s injuries, or whether he was captured.

The perp joins many compatriots who have died or been injured in Palestinian “Work Accidents”:



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The Friendly Grizzly | September 15, 2021 at 4:02 pm

Is the car okay?

Practice makes perfect.

Is there a terrorist OSHA?

I love a good terrorist-lights-himself-on-fire/blows-himself-up video.

Instant karma gonna get you.

Crispy Critter and Terror 101. Failed the practical.

Finaly…..A feel good story!

Such a violent, hate-filled people, those Arab Muslim, so-called “Palestinians.” The Islamic ideology is in desperate need of an internal reformation, to cleanse it of its intrinsic pathologies — to wit, supremacism, totalitarianism, belligerence and hatred of non-Muslims.

Saving throw vs Dexterity? I rolled a 1. That’s good, right?

They are environmental terrorist. All that work to get ride of a tire.


That dude is definitely the hottest pitcher in the terrorist baseball league!

He throws like a girl.

Now, if only Milley and Austin blow themselves up…

In the immortal words of the inimitable Nelson Muntz ……..

Ha ha!

Mostly non-combustible….

The other guy couldn’t manage to light his tire on fire*, either. Pathetic.

(* Verbally, “laht his tahr on fahr”. Sometimes my Texas accent comes through.)

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 18, 2021 at 10:51 pm

    There was a huge tire fire in Winchester VA that burned for nine months in 1983 and smoked out DC regularly. It was a local sensation. Looky-loos would actually take day trips just to watch it burn.

    Some wag took some paint to a major intersection in Leesburg and wrote “TAR FAR” on the pavement of the correct route out of town.

    I remember when I had only been in VA for a year, and read in the local paper’s police log column that there had been a night-time burglary at “Smiths Tar and Battery.” I spent too long wondering why any business would sell those two things.

Umm fried goat fornicator.

I saw this first on reddit /whatcouldgowrong (yes, a guilty morning pleasure). Most there were disappointed that the car didn’t go up like a fireball.

I love warm fuzzy sentimental human interest stories like this one.