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July 2018

Back in January Kemberlee blogged about a Project Veritas video that revealed that Twitter was actively shadow banning conservatives.  As she noted at the time, Twitter has the freedom to run its social media platform as it sees fit. That said, the Twitter practice of shadow banning right-leaning users has been called out by President Trump, and Twitter has struggled to explain—with unsettling echoes of Whoopi Goldberg's assertion that Roman Polanski's heinous crime wasn't "rape-rape"—how their practice of silencing Republican and pro-Trump Twitter accounts is not shadow banning-shadow banning.

In a marketing stunt that has garnered a lot of attention, Burger King rolled out "Chick Fries" to demonstrate the unfairness of the "Pink Tax."  The problem?  There is no "Pink Tax." The issue they are foregrounding is yet another of the seemingly endless stream of silly complaints the regressive left has taken up as a "the" most important socio-cultural inequity: the production and sale of products that are identical in every way other than that they are pink.  The pink items, those marketed to women, purportedly cost more "42%" of the time . . . because sexism.

Wildfires are raging through California, and at least one is being blamed on arson.
A suspected arson fire that erupted in the San Jacinto Mountains near Idyllwild continued to spread Thursday as a second, smaller fire ignited just miles away and required the diversion of some firefighting resources.

San Francisco has a public hygiene crisis of epic proportions, but city officials would rather focus on crappy laws instead of excrement-covered streets. It is so bad that San Francisco's new mayor London Breed recently told a local NBC affiliate that she's never seen as much human feces piled on the sidewalks as she did during a recent stroll through the city.

Are you getting tired of this yet? I know I am. The media obsession with non-stories is tiresome, but because the he-said, she-said is what's passing for serious news these days (regardless of veracity) we can't ignore it. So, here we are. Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen recently claimed that President Trump was aware of Don Jr.'s Trump Tower meeting. Left-leaning media is obsessed with the Trump Tower meeting. They're completely, wholly convinced it was during this meeting that Russia collision occurred.

The gross domestic product (GDP) hit 4.1% in the second quarter, up from 2.2% in the first quarter. This is the fastest rising GDP since 2014! The Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the growth comes "from positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), exports, nonresidential fixed investment, federal government spending, and state and local government spending that were partly offset by negative contributions from private inventory investment and residential fixed investment."

North Korea has transferred the remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War, in keeping with the agreement made in Singapore signed by Chairman Kim Jong-un at the historic summit with U.S. President Donald Trump.
The remains were carried out of Wonsan, North Korea, on a U.S. Air Force C-17 aircraft headed for Osan Air Base, south of Seoul, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. The plane arrived at the base at around 11 a.m. (Korean time). A formal repatriation ceremony will be held Aug. 1 at the base.