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July 2018

Germany's domestic intelligence agency, or BfV, has reported a significant rise in the number of Islamist extremists living in the country. Officially classified as Salafists, or radicalized Sunni Muslims, their numbers have reached a new all-time high according to the agency's annual report issued on Tuesday. The number of Islamists in the country has doubled in the past five years, crossing 10,800 individuals. This significant growth in the Islamist scene can be attributed to more than a million Arab and Muslim migrants taken in by the country since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened borders in the autumn of 2015.

Oberlin College attempted to subpoena the communications of WAJ Media LLC (dba Legal Insurrection) with sources regarding our reporting on an Ohio lawsuit by Gibson's Bakery of Oberlin, Ohio, against Oberlin College and its Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo. The subpoena specifically sought our communications with the attorneys for Gibson's, who had provided us with a statement about the case that we published as part of our reporting, Gibson’s Bakery sues Oberlin College over racial profiling accusations, Oberlin cuts business ties:

Rather than waning, Trump Derangement Syndrom gets worse the longer Trump serves in the Oval Office. Even for a once staunch opposer of Trump like myself, Trump's governance has been far less threatening than I ever imagined, leaving me and many others pleasantly surprised. In the age of personal truths and disregard for anything tethered to reality or absoluteness, it makes sense that those whose personal truth requires perpetual outrage even when circumstances don't require hysterics, would find an abundance of ways to distort reality into something subjectively alarming.

Elizabeth Warren is one of the most contrived politicians I've ever covered, exceeded only by Hillary Clinton. She leaves little to chance or spontaneous encounters. That's why Warren abhors interacting with reporters other than in planned settings with sympathetic questioners. Her running -- literally -- away from reporters in the Capitol hallways is legendary.

In April, we reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had taken steps to challenge California’s decades-old right to set its own air pollution rules, setting up a showdown between the federal government and the West Coast headquarters of the #Resistance. Since then, the administration has prepared its plan to revoke California’s authority to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions, included its mandate for electric-car sales, and is gearing up for its release.
The proposal, expected to be released this week, amounts to a frontal assault on one of former President Barack Obama’s signature regulatory programs to curb emissions that contribute to climate change. It also sets up a high-stakes battle over California’s unique ability to combat air pollution and, if finalized, is sure to set off a protracted courtroom battle.

How many times must MSNBC's Rachel Maddow end up with egg on her face before she stops with the tabloid behavior? So many explosive reports that turned into absolute duds. Maddow claimed yesterday she had video that showed the White House edited video of the conference between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin to remove the question from Reuters about Putin's desire for Trump to beat Hillary. Yeah....except that's not what happened. Even The Washington Post shot her down.