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July 2018

President Donald Trump seethed on Twitter this morning over the fact that his former lawyer Michael Cohen taped their private conversations and send it to the press. CNN received a tape from Cohen with the two men discussing how to obtain a story from former Playboy model Karen McDougal about her alleged affair with Trump a decade ago.

Every once in a while a federal court in the 9th Circuit hands down an opinion consistent with the actual meaning of the Second Amendment, and the Universe threatens to lose its mind. (Generally, of course, any such 2A-favorable decision is shortly reversed en banc, c'est la vie.) One such decision was handed down yesterday in Young v. Hawaii, (embedded below) in which a 3-judge panel for the 9th Circuit correctly held that Hawaii’s extraordinarily restrictive gun laws were an unconstitutional of the Second Amendment under any level of scrutiny. (Indeed, it is this author’s humble opinion that all pre-emptive gun control laws are facially unconstitutional as applied to adult, law-abiding, mentally sound American citizens.)

President Donald Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon's plans to launch a foundation aimed at supporting populist and nationalist causes in Europe has triggered a sharp repose from Germany's establishment politicians and the country's mainstream media.  "German politicians want to aggressively counter US right-wing populist Steve Bannon's plans to support like-minded parties in the [2019] European election," reported German weekly Der Spiegel.

In early July 2018, we covered an incident where a liberal activist opponent of Republican Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23) was caught taking a campaign lawn sign. The sign had a GPS tracking device hidden in it, which enabled the Reed campaign to track it back to Gary McCaslin's home. The Reed campaign put the tracking device in the sign because of problems with people removing Reed's signs. The sign in question was an "Extreme Ithaca Liberal" sign, part of a campaign theme Reed has used to great success for multiple election cycles against his liberal challengers. We discussed the incident and the history of the "Extreme Ithaca Liberal" campaign in our post, “Extreme Ithaca Liberal” yard signs disappear, perp caught by embedded tracking device (#NY23).

I've said it before and I will say it again: If you DO NOT want to be called fake news then DO NOT put out FAKE NEWS. I cannot stand Attorney General Jeff Sessions and there is so much you can use against him that you don't have to make up stuff! The MSM splattered across their pages that he joined in the "lock her up" chant that broke out during his summit. He did not do this.

The left has always been crazy about street theater as a form of protest, especially if it involves do-it-yourself costumes and props. In the age of Trump, and more specifically Mike Pence, progressives have latched onto the Hulu series the "Handmaid's Tale" which imagines a dystopian future where women have lost many of their rights.

A few months ago, President Donald Trump instructed Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to start organizing a package to help American farmers after they expressed concern over tariffs from China and other countries in response to those tariffs Trump imposed on them. Now that plan is about to come into fruition. The White House will announce a plan that will provide $21 billion in aid to the farmers.