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July 2018

It's been 6 weeks since the Singapore Summit between President Donald Trump and North Korea's Chairman Kim Jong Un, which ended with the signing of a joint statement,. As a reminder, the agreement included security guarantees for North Korea, a reaffirmation of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, recovery of soldiers' remains, and follow-up negotiations.  And while the first post-Singapore summit did not seem to produce significant results on any front, a new report indicates that there may be some real progress on the path to formally ending the Korean War.

I was thrilled to be able to get in touch with my inner geek this week as I had the opportunity to join one of my dearest friends at San Diego Comic-Con 2018. While I had hoped to escape politics while I was at the Convention Center, the inability of progressives to move to the next stage of the Kubler-Ross grief cycle meant that it was thrust upon me at various times.

A gunman killed two people and wounded at least 12 others in an attack in a Toronto Greek neighborhood on Sunday night. The suspect, 29, died after he exchanged gunfire with police, but we do not know as of now if police killed him or if he committed suicide. Police Chief Mark Saunders said on Monday morning that the attack "was not random and he did not rule out terrorism as a motive."

Over the weekend, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned President Donald Trump that "war with Iran is the mother of all wars" and war will happen if the U.S. keeps provoking Iran while Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered his speech "Supporting Iranian Voices" in California. Trump was not in the mood to hear threats from an oppressive dictator and promised Rouhani that if he threatens America again, he will "suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."

As midterms approach, the generic ballot has been in flux. The Democrats began with a double-digit lead, this was whittled down significantly, and is now back up at around 8%.  Other factors make predicting whether or not Republicans can maintain control of the House difficult, but Republicans have an advantage in that even if there is a wave election, they may still retain the House.

On Monday, the Department of Justice charged Russian national Maria Butina with conspiring to defraud the United States and acting as an unregistered foreign agent.  The focus of the media's attention has been on Butina's ties to the NRA and to Republican politicians. We are now learning, however, that Butina met with top officials from the Federal Reserve and from the U. S. Treasury Department during the Obama administration.