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August 2016

The Department of Justice did not want the Obama administration to send $400 million as Iran released four Americans due to the image it may portray. The administration struck down the request:
The timing and manner of the payment raised alarms at the Justice Department, according to those familiar with the discussions. “People knew what it was going to look like, and there was concern the Iranians probably did consider it a ransom payment,’’ said one of the people.

PETA never misses an opportunity to spread their propaganda! They have chosen golfer Andrew Johnston as their latest target, whose nickname "Beef" has sent the animal rights group into a tizzy. They want him to change his nickname to Tofu. Yes....TOFU. They even asked him to become a vegan.

In addition to ignoring as many of Hillary's negatives as possible, another form of media bias is happening in this election cycle. The media is rehabilitating Bill and Hillary's marriage. It's easier to see the Clintons back in the White House if they're perceived as a happy and normal couple, not the scandal plagued, loveless pair who stayed together for purely political purposes. To aid in their image makeover, we're seeing pieces like this one from CNN:
The surprising secret to Bill and Hillary Clinton's marriage Tuesday night, Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to make the case for another Clinton: the former U.S. Secretary of State-- and his former First Lady -- Hillary Clinton, as the next President of the United States.

Authorities in Washington, D.C., arrested a Metro officer who allegedly attempted to help ISIS with material support. Officials have never arrested a member of law enforcement before for helping the group. Nicholas Young, 36, lived in Fairfax, VA, and met an FBI informant 20 times. He passed on "22 digital gift cards to this person for intended use with mobile messaging accounts that ISIS uses in recruiting."

While President Obama and his administration have spent more than a year assuring everyone that Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is ‘on the run’, the reality has been doggedly telling us something else altogether. While Obama administration would like us to believe that its strategy -- or rather lack thereof -- has somehow ‘contained’ ISIS, the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate has been spreading like an ugly rash, with new terrorist bases and strongholds popping up across the map. NBC has obtained a copy of a classified ‘heat map’ showing the global expansion of ISIS. The document dated August 2016 is reportedly part of the White House briefings prepared by National Counterterrorism Center. According to the report, ISIS now has bases in 18 countries. The map shows branches of ISIS extending wide over Middle East, Africa and Far-East Asia. If the document is to be believed, ISIS now has a bridge head in continental Europe with its base in Russia's North Caucasus.

The liberal establishment has yet to recover from the shock to its delicate sensibilities caused when Donald Trump spoke of Megyn Kelly having blood coming from her "wherever." But will anyone blink a whatever now that MSM member Mika Brzezinski has told Republicans that they need to "get their heads out of . . . something?" The ever-diplomatic Willie Geist suggested Mika had "sand" in mind, but it seemed clear she was referring to something else.

On today's Morning Joe, Mika repeatedly made the case that the Republican establishment should dump Trump. Analogizing the Trump candidacy to a car that has burst into flames, Mika called Republicans "wussies" for refusing to get out of it.

On Hardball, Chuck Todd called it a "fantasy," but . . . he reported that some Republicans think that maybe they can talk Donald Trump into quitting, and that an ideal replacement ticket would be Mike Pence and Nikki Haley. Chris Matthews was very skeptical, saying that there'd never be a week when Pence could beat Hillary, because he lacks the "pizazz." Todd replied that some Republicans believe that a generic Republicans could beat Clinton. Todd quoted one Republican as saying "take any two people in the White Pages. Make them the ticket. Put R's next to their name, and put them on a desert island and not say anything, and they think that candidate gets 47%." Then again, how tuned in can someone be who still thinks in terms of the "White Pages?"

On July 30, 2016, I wrote about a Pallywood video which was going viral, for all the wrong reasons, VIDEO: Disgusting Palestinian child exploitation for the cameras A Palestinian father, in front of a professional Palestinian videographer, pushed his young child towards Israeli Border Police, yelled at the son to throw rocks (which he did in a childish way), and then taunted the police to shoot the child so that the cameras could capture the killing. Palestinian child pushed towards soldier video screen shot throwing rock Here is the original full video:

You see, this is the problem with having a campaign predicated on the fact that you're leading in all the polls -- when polling data turns unfavorable, your alleged mandate dissipates. A new poll released by Fox News shows Hillary with a double-digit lead over The Donald. Hillary might me the least trusted presidential candidate in history, but she's still crushing Trump (if data is accurate, of course).

Australian artist Lushsux has removed his mural of Hillary Clinton after the local council voted on it. He first put her in a very revealing swimsuit, but placed a burqa on it when the council first told him to paint over it.

As a Tea Party Democrat, I have routinely covered that party's events as a Legal Insurrection author. I have been closely following the #DemExit movement that is afoot, as evidenced by DNC convention-week demonstrations in which delegates and other progressives decried the #DNCLeak and Hillary Clinton’s rigged nomination and blatant displays of party unhappiness during her acceptance speech that the party's officials tried to hide. Following the convention, it has become transparently clear that the Democratic Party's sole mission is to destroy Donald Trump completely.

As a recent immigrant to Germany, it was all the more painful for me to watch 30,000 demonstrators in the city of Cologne -- majority of them second or third generation migrants of Turkish-origin -- marching in support of Erdogan’s takeover of Turkey. Thousands chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they welcomed dignitaries belonging to Erdogan’s Islamist party AKP. For millions like them, more than 50 years of state-sponsored project of Multiculturalism has neither created a bond loyalty to their adopted home nor a sense of value for the liberties and freedoms that one so naturally enjoys in the West.

The U.S. sent $400 million to Iran in January just as the country decided to release four Americans. The administration claims they did not pay a ransom, but many have raised their eyebrows. President Barack Obama said the payment "represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi."

We reported yesterday on Joe Scarborough's statement that Republicans, conservatives and so-called right-wing bloggers had been contacting him to ask about Donald Trump's "mental health." Scarborough himself called Trump "unhinged." Joe took things a significant step farther on today's Morning Joe, saying that Republicans have been contacting him, asking themselves "is Donald Trump a sociopath?" Scarborough was careful to state "I didn't say this, but this is what everybody is saying." Scarborough dropped the s-word in the context of hammering Ari Fleischer, former press secretary to President George W., over his lesser-of-two-evils support of Trump.

Prager University has published a new video which is an instant classic. Haverford College student Olivia Legaspi compares her experiences as a college student to her job at McDonald's which gave her the opportunity to attend college and explains why her job was more educational. Legaspi suggests that when she was working at McDonald's, there were no trigger warnings before irate customers complained to her and no safe spaces to which she could retreat.