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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

With the Senate majority hanging in the balance, the two Georgia Senate runoffs in January of great interest to both the left and the right.  As Mike wrote last week, Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Democrat candidate running against Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, spent years defending Obama's anti-Semitic, anti-American pastor Jeremiah 'God d**m America' Wright.

On Saturday, supporters of President Trump gathered in Washington DC to protest an election that certainly looks suspect and to support the candidate they believe lawfully won. While we don't yet have an official attendance tally for the #MillionMAGAMarch, it is abundantly clear that thousands, perhaps tens—or even hundreds—of thousands, rallied to support Trump and his efforts to have every legal vote counted.

Overwrought declarations that President Trump is just like Hitler and that his supporters are (actual) Nazis have become so commonplace that it takes extra effort for anti-Trumpers to be heard. CNN's Christiane Amanpour took up the challenge and spit out the most vile accusation yet, comparing Trump's first term to Kristallnacht.

Twitter really really doesn't want anyone to read this article, "Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)."  In fact, if you tweet it, you will be locked out of your account, not-so-subtly accused of being some kind of pervert, required to remove it, and have a Twitter message slapped on your page for 14 days as shaming 'punishment.'

As former President George W. Bush and Sen. Mitt Romney fall over themselves to congratulate Biden and call for the nation to "get behind" him, Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says he is waiting until all legal challenges are completed before congratulating a winner in this year's presidential election.

As the post-2020 election dust begins settling, for the Democrats anyway, former Obama stooge Rahm Emmanuel digs up and mercilessly flings at those Americans left behind by regressive, globalist policies insulting, condescending leftist advice.  He tells unemployed, and soon-to-be-unemployed under the Harris-Biden administration, retail workers that they need to #LearnToCode.

I am still digesting the "news" that deep red Georgia suddenly turned blue for Joe Biden, after rejecting Obama who had genuine momentum and enthusiasm in '08—not to mention the historic nature of being the first black president—and after voting for smarmy Mittens McRomneyCare over Obama in 2012.  President Trump, of course, won the state in 2016.

A Biden campaign bus received a big Texas welcome from Trump supporters on Friday.  The Biden campaign was not amused; indeed, it quickly claimed that a Trump supporter hit a following Biden aid in a white suv and that because the Trump Train "ambush" was so large and intimidating, they felt forced to cancel multiple Texas campaign events.