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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Trader Joe's is one of those quirky, fun kind of stores that has seen enormous success in part because of its lighthearted quirkiness.  Light-heartedness, really anything remotely resembling humor, is in the process of being rooted out and banned by the cancel culture scolds, so of course, they came for Trader Joe's.

Every once in a while, the GOP gets its act together.  In this case, the goal is to register as many unregistered GOP voters as possible.  Democrats  have long outpaced the GOP in voter registration.  Until now.

Begun as a truly peaceful protest against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the protests quickly devolved into riots, looting, arson . . . and, eventually, perhaps inevitably, murder. This conflagration of lawlessness quickly morphed into a nation-wide push by various aligned Marxist and anarchist groups to destroy America, capitalism, history, our very culture and our heritage.  Minnesota was ground zero for the rampaging rioting, looting, arson, vandalism, and murder spree that is still engulfing parts of our great nation.

Apparently the left believes that the word "master" has only one meaning and is never / was never used in any other way in the history of the world.  Sigh. I am really just over the crazy, but here we are, now lefties are changing the names of "master bedrooms" and "master sommeliers" and who knows what's next? Master's degrees? MCs at events and in bands? Masterpiece? Master at Arms?  Chess master?

Apparently, the lily white left is so desperate to prove it's not racist and that it's well and truly woke, the wokiest!, that it's hunting for things to rename in the name of looking like they care about anything remotely related to black people.  Like a two-runway airport no one's ever heard of named for an actor the majority of the rioter youth have probably never heard of.

Democrats, as we know, are using the death of George Floyd to create havoc in an election year and to do their once every four years "we care about black people" carnival show.  They have never been very good at this election year fake show of empathy and concern for black people, but this year, they are really really bad at it.

I tend to avoid writing about socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) because I find her intensely off-putting on any number of levels. But her bizarre victory dance over the questionable claim that TikTok users sabotaged President Trump's Tulsa rally seems worth addressing.