Trump Twitter | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Trump Twitter Tag

On Tuesday, President Trump triggered Democrats and Twitter higher-ups in two tweets he posted warning about how mail-in ballots are ripe for voter fraud, suggesting Democratic efforts to make using mail-in paper ballots easier could lead to the presidential election being "rigged":

As far as political videos go, this one is pretty funny. Monday morning, Trump tweeted a video (not a product of his official re-election campaign) which shows "Obama" and a few other guys watching a game. During the commercial break, clips of Biden at his weirdest, the guys look at "Obama" who shrugs and goes, "what?" Obama's head is clearly superimposed on another's body in what was originally an Allstate ad.

Democrats have a problem with Latino voters, and it's very similar to the problem they have with other voting blocs. Instead of seeing Latinos as people who care about more than illegal immigration, Democrats don't talk to Latinos about jobs, health care, education, taxes, national security, or anything, really, other than illegal immigration.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to continue celebrating his impeachment acquittal by the Senate. Trump made a series of predictions like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez primarying Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Republicans winning the Alabama Senate seat, and Rep. Jerry Nadler will lose to his primary opponent.

Protests have broken out across Iran over the downing of the Ukrainian passenger airplane by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. -- which tried for days to cover it up. The protests are a continuation of the protests last fall, which were crushed by the IRGC under leadership of the late Qassem Soleimani, with an estimated 1500 killed and thousands more arrested.