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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

On CNN this morning, Daily Beast editor-in-chief and CNN analyst John Avlon said that President Trump is "trying to back channel the Saturday Night Massacre." That was a reference to the episode during the Watergate investigation in which President Nixon ordered the firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox, leading to the resignations of the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, who refused to carry out Nixon's order.

When Joy Reid and her merry band of liberals sink their teeth into something, it's hard to tear them away. Last month, we entertained you with this item about Reid & Co. mentioning "Russia" 56 times in one hour. On today's AM Joy, the word was "pardon." No Groucho-like duck came down, but Reid and her panelists pored interminably over the pardon possibilities. We counted 32 "pardon" mentions in the 14-minute segment. Naturally, the panel was horrified at the prospect of President Trump pardoning himself or others. Reid herself conjured up a nightmare scenario of Trump committing "treason, and then pardoning himself." The reliably hyperbolic Joan Walsh spoke darkly of a "constitutional crisis."

There has been a lot of attention in the past couple of days to the statistical disconnect between what is of importance to the media versus what is important to the public. Not surprisingly, the media is all Russia, Russia, Russia. The public not so much. Jon Gabriel at Ricochet originated the analysis, though many outlets ran with it, What Americans Care About vs. What the Media Cares About:

Give Joe Scarborough credit. Just when we were getting bored with all the Trump/Nazi analogies, Joe has come up with a new one. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough compared Trump press secretary Sean Spicer to an old Soviet spokesman and propagandist. Scarborough's beef was that Spicer had supposedly said that the meeting of Trump campaign people including Donald, Jr. and the Russians was "just about adoptions." Joe called that a "lie." But have a look at the screenshot below, showing what Spicer actually said.

The last post I wrote about the Donald Trump Jr. meeting was last Thursday, Trump Jr. and the Russian lawyer: “there’s something very unusual about this whole thing”. Subsequent to that post, NBC News broke the story that there were additional people at the meeting than had been disclosed previously. Nonetheless, I think my Newsmax interview that was the subject of the post has held up pretty well:

CNN hosted a panel this morning of Trump voters describing what CNN described as "life after their vote." Three of the voters described very nasty reactions they've received from liberals:
  • A woman spoke of receiving "a lot of hatred from people I loved and respected," including being asked if she was "crazy" and wondering "how could you do this to us?"
  • A female impersonator recounted being immediately blackballed from his work when he came out as a Trump supporter, and having received death threats. He noted the irony of coming from a community that prides itself on inclusiveness.
  • A man spoke of receiving a tweet saying "your parents should have aborted you at birth."

Joy Reid has done it again, shutting down on her MSNBC show this morning yet another conservative guest who tried to get in a word edgewise. This time it was former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz in the unenviable position of trying to make the case that the meeting between Trump campaign aides and Russians wasn't the horror the left is making it out to be. Reid first asked him for his comments, but before he could get started, proceeded to cut him off, launching into her own monologue. When Fleitz asked if he could respond, Reid replied "No. No you cannot, until I'm finished answering the question." Rightly retorted Fleitz: "you asked me a question and now you're responding for me."

Russia, Russia, Russia. We're here to talk about Trump/Russia: get it? Don't go distracting us with talk of the DNC working with Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump! This morning on CNN, Alisyn Camerota and John Berman co-hosted a segment with Jason Miller, a former Trump campaign aide, and Dem consultant Hilary Rosen. Miller tried to raise this Politico story, which reported that Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary, meeting with a DNC consultant to research damaging information on Trump and his advisers.

On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough stared into the camera and invited people to contact him if they're aware of a presidential campaign that accepted "oppo research or support" from a foreign power. The question was based on a quote, shown on the screen, from former Romney campaign strategist Stuart Stevens asking whether any other campaign in history had received "oppo from foreign interests." Joe's invitation came in the context of a discussion of a meeting of senior Trump-campaign people with a Russian purportedly offering oppo info on Hillary Clinton. Of course, based on what's now known, Trump's campaign people didn't actually receive oppo research, just an offer of such in order to get a meeting.

A misleading video clip of Donald Trump supposedly being passed over for a handshake by the First Lady of Poland is sweeping the internet. In fact, there was a handshake a couple of seconds later, but the clip is cut so tightly that it appears that this was a sign of disrespect. If it were just another misleading internet meme, it would be bad enough. But it is being pushed by the Washington Post on Twitter and on its website, as well as by other major media. Here is WaPo's tweet:

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released another undercover video featuring CNN's New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr, who doubles down on his comments from a previous video from Project Veritas and criticizes New Day host Chris Cuomo. "I mean granted, anything I've said to you I would defend on the record," he told the Project Veritas investigator. "I don't think I said anything wrong." Carr was captured in previous videos calling President Trump a clown, calling American voters stupid as shit, and saying Kellyanne Conway looks like she got hit by a shovel.

CNN is having a rough time, albeit completely self-inflicted. The network with a penchant for making itself and its reporters the story is now the subject of universal internet ridicule and rightly so. Andrew Kaczynski, CNN reporter (formerly of Buzzfeed) who loves to dig through Trump appointee books and academic thesis in search of improper citation, penned a post describing how CNN was able to track down an anonymous Reddit user who claimed responsibility for CNN gif President Trump tweeted. The gif showed Trump punching a figure with a CNN logo affixed in place of a face.

On Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning, guest Tamara Holder—who Reid, ironically, billed as an "equal rights attorney and advocate"—mocked the women in Donald Trump's life. Holder was upset that they had failed to condemn the president over his tweets directed at Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. Said Holder:

"I think the women in Donald Trump's life probably have smaller minds than his small hands . . . he has continued to surround himself, Donald Trump, with very, very, weak-minded women, who are afraid of him."

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released part three of its explosive investigation into CNN and its obsession with the Russia-President Donald Trump narrative. This video contains two parts surrounding New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr. He speaks to two investigators and tells them that Trump "is a clown," thinks voters are "stupid as sh*t," and guarantees that Trump has paid for abortions. O'Keefe then shows how Carr's New Day program edited a segment with Trump voters that made one man appear to be a conspiracy theorist.

On today's Morning Joe, Willie Geist was making the point—in the context of the controversy over President Trump's tweets about Mika and Joe—that presidents need to have a thick skin. To illustrate, Geist recounted the story of President George W. Bush being informed by a communications aide that Keith Olbermann had made a nasty attack on him that was being picked up in the press. Responded W: "Keith Olbermann? Why is he talking about me? He does Sports Center: I love that guy!"

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas dropped the second video of a series to expose the media's bias against President Donald Trump. This video catches CNN's Van Jones, one of the more prominent leftist contributors, admitting the Trump-Russia narrative is mostly a "nothing burger." Yesterday's video showed a CNN producer calling the narrative "mostly bullsh*t."