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Nancy Pelosi Tag

I admit to being a bit puzzled by the leftist outrage over President Trump's proposed DACA deal.  I fail to see anything "racist" about providing a pathway to citizenship for over a million illegal aliens (or in any of the other proposed provisions). House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), however, seems to imagine that it's some kind of  white supremacist plot.

Today is an embarrassing day to be a Democrat. Senate Democrats wasted an entire grandstanding-filled weekend for a whole lotta nuthin. Rather than coming to an agreement with Senate Republicans and President Trump Friday, Democrats ended up accepting the deal (with nothing new in return) Monday.

What the heck was wrong with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday? I planned to write up one set of comments, but I'm glad I didn't because another set of comments came up today that received criticism from her #2 in the House. These comments included slamming the companies that have used their savings from the tax reform bill to give raises and bonuses to their employees. Then she criticized the fact that five white guys have started to work on a DACA bill and asked if they wanted to open a hamburger stand, which Minority Steny Hoyer (D-MD) called offensive.

With today's revelation of yet another Representative John Conyers' (D-MI) staffer alleging sexual harassment, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is reportedly in talks with Conyers about his resigning from Congress.  Of note, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is quietly supporting the move. CNN reports:
Several Congressional Black Caucus members are in talks to get veteran Rep. John Conyers to resign amid allegations of sexual misconduct, several Democratic sources told CNN on Tuesday. Those members are trying to ease his exit without trampling on his legacy during his 50-plus years in the House. Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, is the longest currently serving member of the House of Representatives.

Mary posted earlier on Representative John Conyers (D-MI) stepping down from his position as ranking member on the House Judiciary committee.  His language is hazy, and it sounds like he's not leaving the committee and intends to resume his position as ranking member when the "investigation" concludes. Clearly, the move is intended to serve as his "punishment" for allegations of sexual harassment that include his attending a meeting with a female committee employee in his underwear and numerous allegations of demanding sexual favors and punishing women by firing them when they rejected his unwanted sexual advances.  He's also alleged to have used, in 2015, taxpayer dollars to settle sexual harassment claims.

The anger and annoyance towards House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democrat leaders continues to boil as the fifth-ranking Democrat in the House, Rep. Linda Sánchez (CA), has asked for a change. From The Washington Post:
“I do think it’s time to pass a torch to a new generation of leaders, and I want to be a part of that transition,” Sánchez said on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” in an interview conducted by reporters with The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times. “I want to see that happen. I think we have too many great members here that don’t always get the opportunities that they should. I would like to see that change.”

Late Wednesday night, Democrats Sen. Schumer and White House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced they'd reached a deal with Trump on DACA and that funding for Trump's campaign cornerstone, the border wall, was not part of the agreement, though they'd agreed to include some form of beefed up border security. Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders both denied any deal was made.

My my, how the political pendulum has swung about the little darlings known as Antifa. Antifa, as we documented, are the continuation of a long line of Anarchist-Marxist street thugs originally known as Black Bloc, then Occupy, then in the age of the Resistance to Trump, were rebranded as "Anti-Fascist," hence, Antifa. The stripes changed, but not the violent tactics. Just as Democrats embraced Occupy, so too they embraced Antifa when Trump rallies were disrupted and Trump supporters beaten. "Punch a Nazi" became a popular slogan, with "Nazi" having an expansive definition to include all Trump supporters. We explored this Democratic love affair with Antifa in Democrats own Antifa, just like they owned Occupy.

Having lost most of their political power, Democrats are desperately wielding their not inconsiderable social and cultural power. From colleges and universities to statues and flags, the regressive left is demonstrating an alarming anti-American sentiment that threatens to undermine not just our nation's history but its very fabric. Case in point: Californian leaders, including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D), have adamantly opposed a rally organized by the Patriot Prayer group on the grounds that it is "alt right" and "white supremacist."  The problem, however, is that of the speakers scheduled to speak, only one was white.  Indeed, the group's leader is neither white nor "alt right."

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in discussing the limits of free speech, wrote in Schenck v. U.S. (1919):
"The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic."
A lot of people mess up the quote, saying that "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." Actually you can yell fire in a crowded theater, if there really is a fire.

In the aftermath of four Special Election defeats, including a devastating loss in Georgia's Sixth District, Democrats are trying to figure out where it all went wrong. Democrats were expecting anti-Trump *Resistance* to be enough. But it wasn't. It's not that focusing intently on the opposing party's leader doesn't work anymore. It's that the leader against whom such a tactic worked wasn't Republican Donald Trump, but Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Supporters of Karen Handel pegged Democrat Jon Ossoff as just another Pelosi puppet. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution noted the Pelosi effect:

Identity politics seemed to help Democrats . . . until it didn't.  In the wake of their devastating presidential election loss in 2016, Democrats have steadfastly avoided confronting the myriad flaws in their "divide and conquer" strategy that centers on creating a seemingly endless number of imagined underclasses and then nurturing their outrage, fear, and dissatisfaction all the way to the ballot box. What little meaningful reflection on the devastation of the Democratic Party that has taken place since November has done so on the new fringes created by a seismic shift in the party.  Where once the radical voices screeched about the evils of America, now the more moderate establishment Democrats and pundits are the radicals, advocating moderation and realignment.