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Nancy Pelosi Tag

Well, apparently today was just a photo op at the White House. Obama is still in a no negotiation mode. Instead, he's deliberately trying to talk down the markets. John Boehner after White House Mtg 10-2-2013

Below is a screen shot from the DNC homepage with a confident (or, maybe confused) looking Joe Biden proclaiming: I'm there! Are you? Well, apparently not. Unlike Vice President Biden, many Congressional Democrats will be staying away from this year's Democratic National Convention. Although the candidates like to give...

There's something Nancy Pelosi knows that no one else who was involved in the congressional investigation of Newt in the 1990s knows?  (BTW, this Byron York column on how politicized and wrong the ethics charges against Newt were is a must read.) Not even any of the anti-Newt Republicans...

Mitt Romney's campaign is in trouble.  The trouble is not just the South Carolina vote count.  Romney's internal polling almost certainly also showed that he was behind in Florida, as public polling released today reflects. More worrisome for Romney is a growing chorus of doubters within the...

Great analysis of Nancy Pelosi's threatened blackmail of Newt Gingrich, from Bill Quick of Daily Pundit (via The Other McCain).  It sure does feel good to read and imagine: You know what, though?  She’s got bupkus that will make any difference.  The Dems are absolutely terrified...

A frequent commenter quoted this post by Erick Erickson at RedState: A week ago, the United States House of Representatives sent a bipartisan measure to the United States Senate where it fell five votes short of a majority. Today, John Boehner sent over legislation that couldn’t even...

Here is your overnight debt bomb defusing news: Sam Stein at HuffPo says Boehner's going to call Obama's bluff on a short term extension:  "The Ohio Republican, in a briefing with his conference on Saturday, announced that he would press for a short-term deal, with major spending...

John Boehner has given up, for now, trying to negotiate a debt deal with Obama because Obama is insisting on a tax increase as part of any deal: "In the end, we couldn't connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our...

Isn't that what this all is about at this moment in time? We just have to last another 18 months and win the presidential election, and then our long national nightmare will come to an end.  Until then, we're just trying to limit the damage. Until he...

Democrats have an idea.  Let's take an additional $2 trillion from the private sector and give it to the federal government. What possibly could go wrong? ...

What do you think?[youtube=]The happiest person in the room?  Mitch McConnell.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Ms. Speaker, tear down that nameplate:Here is an image of the doorway in happier (for Pelosi) days.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...