Immigration activists furious over Trump amnesty offer: “a legislative burning cross”
Rep. Gutierrez on The Wall: “far cheaper to erect a 50-foot concrete statue of a middle finger and point it towards Latin America”

I don’t attribute to Trump the mythical ‘three-dimensional chess’ sort of analysis. So when the White House officially floats the idea of a massive amnesty for 1.8 million ‘Dreamers’ in the form of a pathway to citizenship, plus nuclear family reunification that will ad several million more, I think that’s actually what he wants.
Conservative reaction has been furious, viewing it as the breach of a core campaign promise. Which it was and is.
It’s horrible policy that will encourage further illegal immigration. Ted Cruz weighed in:
“I do not believe we should be granting a path to citizenship to anybody here illegally,” the Texas Republican said in the Capitol. “Doing so is inconsistent with the promises we made to the men and women who elected us.”
On the open-borders left, there was an immediate and consistent portrayal of the proposal as racist, white supremacist, and holding ‘Dreamers’ hostage. That excessive rhetoric is coming not just from activists, but from leading Democrat politicians like Dick Durbin and Elizabeth Warren.
The extreme leftist reaction to the overly generous offer could doom it. Which leaves Trump with having offered a broad amnesty to save ‘Dreamers’ which failed because of leftist opposition.
Here are some of the leftist reactions:
This isn’t a serious attempt to get a bipartisan DACA deal done, it’s a legislative burning cross. The White House’s immigration “reform” framework is dead on arrival, plain and simple. Our country has a SERIOUS solution that Congress must pass: #DreamActNow
— United We Dream (@UNITEDWEDREAM) January 25, 2018
? PRESS STATEMENT | Immigrant Youth to Trump’s White Supremacist Proposal: “No.”
"Let us be clear: any politician who backs up this ransom note is enabling Trump and Miller’s white supremacist agenda." #DreamActNow
— United We Dream (@UNITEDWEDREAM) January 25, 2018
Stephen Miller has said that his proposal is ‘extremely generous,’ but the only community that benefits from this supposed generosity are white supremacists.
— ACLU (@ACLU) January 25, 2018
Durbin: Dreamers should not be held hostage to President Trump’s crusade to tear families apart..Republicans have just fourteen days to work with Democrats to reach a bipartisan agreement to pass the Dream Act and solve the DACA crisis.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) January 26, 2018
By ending DACA, @realdonaldtrump subjected 800k Dreamers to deportation. Now he wants to hold them hostage to Steven Miller’s anti-immigrant wish list. It’s insulting. We already have a bipartisan solution to the Trump-created crisis: it’s called the Dream Act. #DreamActNow
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) January 25, 2018
President Trump and Republicans will not be allowed to use Dreamers as a bargaining chip for their wish list of anti-immigrant policies. It's time to enact the Dream Act, which has bipartisan support. #DreamActNow
— Senator Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) January 26, 2018
Gutierrez on WH immigration plan: “$25 billion as ransom for Dreamers with cuts to legal immigration and increases to deportations doesn’t pass the laugh test..It would be far cheaper to erect a 50-foot concrete statue of a middle finger and point it towards Latin America”
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) January 26, 2018
Make no mistake, this immigration bill is trading hostages -in this case, #Dreamers– for ransom. Trump is asking for a high ransom. But you know what you do when you are emotionally invested and love the hostages? You pay the damn ransom.
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) January 25, 2018
Trump’s immigration “plan” was obviously written by Stephen Miller & some other white supremacists in the WH. The “plan” tries to limit their rights as Americans. It’s sick, sadistic & pathetic. Like DREAMers shouldn’t have the same rights as every other American. #DREAMActNow
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) January 26, 2018

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Not a bad idea, since most of Latin America has been pointing their middle finger at America for so long.
However, the statue would have to be IN ADDITION to the wall..
There are some great pictures of this out there.
Heh, Trump should increase the wall to fifty feet, and add a middle finger at the top along every hundred foot or so…
A middle finger every Roman mile like Hadrian’s wall.
I’d donate a couple bucks toward that.
So called Dreamers are not being used as hostages.
They are being offered a unique and extremely generous opportunity, one that most of them do not deserve. They would be certified fools if they don’t take it.
Of course, as predicted, Democrats and agitators are opposing the plan and ramping up their insane rhetoric.
For weeks now it has been obvious that Democrats will do anything to avoid actually making a deal. They want an issue. They want something to scream about.
The cynicism of turning down a deal that would favor the people they claim to represent and accusing someone else for that is almost breathtaking.
It would be nice to think it will lose them millions of votes but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
The Democrats will never accept anything that actually reduces immigration (legal, or illegal), it’s their ticket to a permanent majority.
If Trump were to sign anything like what’s being proposed, it would cost him millions of supporters, and be the end of his presidency. The people who actually voted for him, rather than against Hillary, might tolerate a lesser amnesty, but only in return for real and substantial cuts to immigration — an end to chain migration and the visa lottery at the minimum.
The activists, like Dickie Durbin, see a crack in the facade and intend to take full advantage.
Someone tell Dirty Dickie that’s just his backside in the mirror.
“Democrats don’t know their end from a hole in the ground!”
Trump should hope the Democrats kill this because passage of this will turn off enough of the base to provide a Republican bloodbath in 2018. This may be one time when, during the primaries and before the election, the “NeverTrumpers” were right in claiming that he favored a wide ranging amnesty.
Democrats are already trying to kill the deal, so I doubt they will take it.
However, if the deal goes through, I don’t think that all of Trump’s base will be turned off, and many of those who get upset will in the long run forgive him or understand, IF he gets the wall built and eliminates the lottery and chain migration.
Trump is not an ideologue but a pragmatist.
Immigration has been a political hot potato for a very, very long time. Everyone talks about it, but NOTHING ever gets done. As a result, the problem is snowballing and one day there will be no solution.
As long as all sides pretend to be ideologically pure, nothing will get done either. Somebody, or everybody, needs to compromise.
I don’t think Trump’s proposal is such a bad deal. It could be better, and he should have done better by also including e-Verify and the end of anchor babies.
It’s a compromise, but it’s not a bad deal.
How hard is it to understand? No amnesty, not now not ever. They have to go back. Build. The. Wall.
Or lose your nation. Take your pick but you cannot have both. You cannot have amnesty and an American nation. It will be over before America even finishes its imperial phase.
1.8 million people will not make us lose the nation. Will they? Is the nation already THAT weak?
I don’t think so.
Your ideologically pure position is the one that has accomplished absolutely nothing over the last 25 years.
You want a wall? Me Too! But where’s the money?
And what’s the point of having a wall if people fly in airplanes over it thanks to the lottery and chain migration?
Trump is NOT offering amnesty to all illegals, only to a small fraction. It’s not a perfect outcome, but it’s a lot more and a lot better than what we have now.
It might. Settle 100,000 in WI, or anyof the other swing states from 2016. Democrat President and 6 more Democrat Senators, just for starters.
Why would they?
We are talking about people who already live in the U.S., most likely in liberal areas for obvious reasons. Why would they resettle?
On the other hand, they will NOT have the right to vote in a very long time, if they ever do.
I’m reminded of Ronald Reagan’s pragmatism: when confronted with the situation in which he could only get half a loaf, instead of the whole loaf, he said he’d take the half — and then work later on getting the other half.
How’d that work out for his amnesty? I forget because before my town looked like America. Now it looks like Chiapas. Makes it hard to remember apparently.
3D Chess ???
maybe The 4D Interactive Simulator – taking scenario training to a new dimension
I’d love to see two things reasonably explained by the outraged party. It’s a simple enough request but will never happen:
1. Why are these screeching idiots so opposed to a legal path to immigration?
2. What exactly is the logical basis for the charges of racism heaped on this new plan? Because it’s not the nightmare act is not sufficient.
Some people have no concept of political maneuvering.
Trump won the last round bigly.
And he now has every democrat crapping their selves denouncing precisely what they have asked for.
Touche, touché, and touché!!!!!!!!!
It’s always daca, daca, daca with those dirty chit-owing Democrats!
For the last time I don’t care what Hillary and the Democrats’ Depends are full of……..
Strategically, President Trump just dropped the equivalent of about a million thermonuclear bombs on the Democrat Party.
Those Democrat controlled rioters are holding demonstrations, they’re holding “demon-strations.”
“are not holding”
“The economics of political correctness”
So, congress won’t pass it, DACA expires, and American kids will once again be put to the forefront of achieving the AMERICAN dream.
He’s a genius.
Okay then. If amnesty is insulting to DACA recipients, let’s withdraw that from the deal immediately. They can go back to their country of citizenship and criticize us from afar.
Rep. Gutierrez on The Wall: “far cheaper to erect a 50-foot concrete statue of a middle finger and point it towards Latin America”
We considered that, but it’s not nearly as effective as a wall.
I am most definitely going to keep an open mind. My first reaction to the WH DACA offer was that the Dems would have to be insane to reject it.
But, apparently they are.
The fun thing is, and I can say this as a white man, what they really want is to see me dead. Resistance on my part is clearly white supremacy.
My martial art, sir.
Maybe these people in the WH do know what they are doing. I shall withhold further judgement as I watch the crazy unfold.
It’s like a San Francisco city hall meeting. Which basically amounts to circus that can most logically be run from the monkey cage.
Tom Servo called it and I was skeptical he was right. Tom must live inside their heads because he was spot on.
Most Democrats don’t want a deal, they want an issue. Others would rather set themselves on fire than to actually deal with President Trump and the GOP. Yet more way.nt to effectively replace the electorate in the USA with uneducated people from leftist regimes who might believe the socialist lies. So be it.
So let’s see if Chucky will force another shutdown after throwing away the best deal Dreamers will ever see. Sane people, like Rags and yourself, cannot imagine that weapons-grade level of stupidity. I have less confidence in the rationality of my fellow man so I could easily see it. After all, #RESIST, right?
In case I have to draw a picture for anyone, I was right when I concluded the Dems would have to be insane to reject what I considered a total capitulation by the WH.
Apparently the left won’t be satisfied until the entire population of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has amnesty and US citizenship. Anything less is a KKK cross burning on their lawn.
I dated feminists when I was younger but clearly I didn’t experience crazy until now.
Did you just not like yourself when you were younger or something?
Maybe he just like the girls that would…
From the the outside they appeared normal. Forgive me. I learned. Boy have I learned.
The D’rats reject it because they must. It gives them nothing they need.
This is not 3-D chess. This is very simple.
Hysterics who check under their beds every night for reassurance that Trump isn’t hiding there may be having conniption fits, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t very simple.
If you insist on interpreting every maneuver as OhmyGodit’sanAMNESTY!, well, that’s what you’ll see. Human perception is funny that way.
As a point of interest, history records an overwhelmingly successful amnesty. When Pompey cleared the Mediterranean of endemic piracy, he offered an amnesty to those who came in and surrendered. Some pirates brought their families, some brought their ships for good measure. And Pompey honored his offer. But it wasn’t one of those “everything’s now OK, go back to what you were doing” types of “amnesty”. Pompey’s promise was that he wouldn’t crucify them. After he didn’t execute them, he removed them from the water; in fact, from the Mediterranean coast entirely. And he sure as hell didn’t make them Roman citizens. He had them resettled inland, in sparsely-settled Roman colonies. This relieved the pressure to go easy on those who had originally turned to piracy out of dire necessity, essentially eliminated the possibility of recidivism, provided an economic base of useful size in otherwise sparsely-settled and poorly defended regions of the Republic (the Empire hadn’t happened quite yet), and made it clear that Pompey was not a cruel man but was no pushover either.
So, there are amnesties, and there are amnesties; not all are the same. The details are important. It is not to the MSM’s advantage to clarify those details. Hysteria is so much more fun.
Yeah….the MSM is overly fond of crying “FIRE!” in a crowded theatre now aren’t they……..
“Hysterics who check under their beds every night for reassurance that Trump isn’t hiding there may be having conniption fits, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t very simple.
If you insist on interpreting every maneuver as OhmyGodit’sanAMNESTY!, well, that’s what you’ll see. Human perception is funny that way.”
Just so you know, that’s not me. As long as the air is fit to breath and the wine is fit to drink, I’m happy.
Good story there.
Yes, there is amnesty and there is amnesty. In the past Pubs have floated an amnesty with conditions — learning English, temporary leaving of the U.S., work, etc — and each and every time, the Dems have refused all the conditions. For the Dems, it’s AMNESTY, as in, no conditions of any kind.
I wonder if at some point Trump is going to indulge his inner Pompey…
Anyone who was paying attention has known all along that Trump would never get 100% of the things he talked about during the campaign. The world just doesn’t work that way.
Trump promised to make “good deals.” This would be a very good deal. DACA was gonna happen, sooner or later. If Hillary had won it would be done already, and the GOP would get NOTHING. Jeb or Marco would have signed off on DACA even faster than Hillary.
Calm down. Donaldus Maximus, the dealgiver, knows those nimrods will never accept it. He’s exposing them as phonies.
maxmillion says, “Calm down. Donaldus Maximus, …[is] exposing them as phonies.”
Yes, like he also exposed the GOP with their “repeal healthcare”.
It’s an amazing site to see.
Watch and learn, grasshopper.
Can we appropriate money for the finger too?
Let’s make Rep. Gutierrez pay for the finger.
Nah, I’d donate to make Gutierrez himself the finger.
Ending Chain Migration; reducing legal immigration; changing the focus of legal immigration to young, educated, trained workers; mandatory e-verify; ending the visa lottery; building the wall; funding ICE better
For Amnesty for DACA+ some dreamers, some 2-3 million, and a delayed end to chain-migration (those in pipeline can still come).
For R’s, that’s not a bad deal considering we need 60 Senate votes. We’re not getting the full package of win without a compromise unless we can get 60 R Senators (and even then, we have Traitors amongst them that will sabotage).
Its still not a bad deal considering we’re only getting less than half the list above.
Trump may really want this.
DEMOCRATS will blow it up.
The math doesn’t work for them.
Chain-migration alone gets them about a million legal immigrants a year. Think they’ll trade ending that for an Amnesty for 2-3 million? Not a chance.
Trump as 3D chess player: If D’s are the ones that blow this up, as I expect, Trump and R’s still win. They will have succeeded in publicly demonstrating that its the DEMOCRATS that are unwilling to compromise. AND, they can tell “dreamers” every election that it was the D’s that prevented their amnesty. Now, does Trump think that far ahead? Who knows. But, the fact is, he’s put himself in a win / win position on this negotiation.
Where’s my win? I still want a wall. How does that get paid for? Haven’t seen Mexico step up to the plate yet.
Several plants are moving businesses BACK to the US instead of going to Mexico…so Mexico has already paid for the wall.
President Trump is the most business friendly President, ever. Even surpassing my personal favorite: Calvin Coolidge
(PS. This piece is a must read: 21st century Coolidge
With this statement, and the Democrats reaction to it, Trump has revealed that the Democrats are the ones stalling DACA.
I understand that businesses have been coming back to the US. But that still doesn’t build the wall. Congress has to appropriate money to it. I am a Resource Advisor for a military unit. I can only buy our equipment and supplies with the money given to us from HHQ who in turn gets it from their higher echelon. I can’t start a Go Fund Me account, hold a bake sale or write an IOU to buy a bulldozer. And Trump can’t build the wall with a slush fund of tax revenue that has been repatriated from American businesses. Congress must appropriate funds specifically for it.
Does amnesty give them the right to vote? If not, and if it ends chain migration the other caveats mentioned, it would be a brilliant move!!
Not only is it the right thing to do (you can’t just give the “kids” a parachute and drop them off somewhere over Mexico, that’s not the right thing to do.
This gives big business donors what they want (laborers) and denies the left the immediate voters they desperately need. Not checkmate, but definitely check.
well, I guess I was wrong, it gives them a “path to citizenship” which is even better as it will weed out the losers and keep the winners. I’m all for that.
This is a good deal for the dreamers. They can choose to be forever pawns in a political power-play, just like the Palestinians, or part of an honest fix of a long-term problem.
Still a brilliant move, though novel to see someone try to do the right thing. I’m impressed.
Those who are being stubborn and demanding that we just deport them all are being ridiculous. I’ll give Trump that he is trying to come up with a lasting and humane solution to a lcomplex problem. Let’s support him when he proposes a good solution, rather than demanding he load up the cattle cars with good hard-working people. It’s not going to happen!!
Let’s send back the losers and keep the winners. What is wrong with that idea??!!!
No. It’s not a good deal for Americans. If they don’t go back on their own they can skip the parachute. You could fire them out of an air launched cannon and I wouldn’t shed a tear.
That’s fine. You can feel whatever you want. But it is not going to happen because there are lots of people like me who want to see the good, hardworking people who came up here because they were trafficked for their cheap labor not get shipped back by the millions in cattle cars. Deal with it.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m against human trafficking for cheap labor and political purposes, aka illegal immigration. I want to see a wall and security to the point where illegal immigration is a thing of the past, just like you do. I’d love to see the MS13 gang bangers, felons, and slackers get a one way ticket home tomorrow.
But saying that we are just going to ship the GOOD people back is not realistic, no matter how much you don’t care. And even if we did, it would have a major impact on inflation, as the price of everything would spike up dramatically if suddenly everyone has to be paid a fair wage.
So I think we should support Trump come up with a good plan that fixes it. We don’t have to make them voting citizens tomorrow. We can come up with a realistic path way. It’s a win/win for everyone except the democrats who want to keep them in a perpetual state of dependency.
Good, bad, it doesn’t matter. They all have to go back. If you love them more than your countrymen please by all means join them.
How hard is it to get they are here illegally? They’ve had years to get their affairs in order. They have to go back.
You may be right. There’s enough treasonous, anti-American, gutless wonders that they might get to select the new American citizen. But it won’t be America when they’re done. I remember the Reagan amnesty. This country has one slim chance to not be Latin America.
Forkdad, instead of filling the cattle cars with hardworking immigrants who love America and want to work hard and live the American Dream, why don’t we fill them instead with the spoiled brat citizens who hate it and support the likes of Antifa. Better yet, we could ship them all off to the socialist paradise of Venezuela. That way, everyone would live happily ever after.
I actually do share your concerns about another Reagan amnesty. But past failures do not mean that it is impossible to pass something that does make sense.
This deal gives the Left everything they have been demanding for the last decade or so. So what it it comes with strings that leads to citizenship or the presence of a wall. The refusal of the Left tells us one thing and that is how they are not interested in a deal, rather they are demanding what they want with no negotiation. This is the stance of spoiled children who do not understand how precarious their situation really is. If they do not like this extremely generous deal, then take it off the table and start the deportations. The nice thing about having a businessman in the White House is that we have real negotiations that they are not afraid to walk away from. Overall bottom line is that this is a simple message to the Dreamers and their supporters – “Time to put on your big boy pants and act like grown ups, If you cannot, then leave. Don’t scream, point fingers, or make other silly demands. You had your chance and you blew it so now you can just leave.”
Re: Cleetus
I’d agree, except it appears Trump will not walk away.
He’s always had a soft spot for illegal aliens that claimed to be kids when they arrived. Of course, a lot of them are lying as illegals are wont to do.
10 year path, contingent on good behavior. Most of them will never make it.
Yep, and those that do, they’re not so bad nor large in number.
That’s the worrisome part; the 10-year path and other provisions will only last until the Dems regain power or can browbeat enought R’s into supporting “improvements” otherwise “Ray-ciss!”
Yes, you are right, but they can do all that with or without any kid of current agreement.
legal immigrants, not illegal aliens.
justice, not entitlement.
emigration reform, not immigration reform.
immigration that does not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before Planned Parenthood.
Illegals. Immigration ban. Build the wall.
Make them self deport so hard there’s a standing traffic jam to Portland from the border. Make it hard, ugly, and mean if you’re not willing to fight for your country get out of the way.
I’d also favor a traffic jam from Portland to the northern border, just to give Trudeau a taste of the problem.
This article only proves that the Democrats really don’t care about the DACA people, but only care that they can keep the illegal immigration problem for the USA to continue forever, never allowing the security of our borders, so they can allow their future yearly new illegal Democratic voters into the USA, and go through these same actions continuously every few years in the future of the USA, if these policies don’t destroy the nation, our society, and our culture first.
Can we start a Go Fund Me for the stature?
Trump’s immigration “plan” was obviously written by Stephen Miller & some other white supremacists in the WH. The “plan” tries to limit their rights as Americans. It’s sick, sadistic & pathetic. Like DREAMers shouldn’t have the same rights as every other American.
I think I see the problem.
This idiot thinks DREAMERS are Americans.
Not even 24 hours have passed since Trump made his proposal – and now Schumer has categorically rejected it out of hand. No counter proposal, no tweaks, no negotiations – Schumer got offered everything he wanted, and he just said publicly – NO.
insane people are really so much more predictable than the sane ones. heh heh.
Schumer got offered everything he wanted, and he just said publicly – NO.
That implies that, despite superficial appearances, Schumer realizes that he didn’t get everything he wanted. Maybe he didn’t get anything he wanted.
And that implies that what the press and the punditry are calling an “amnesty” isn’t what they want us to think it is.
If the deal—any deal—doesn’t churn out new voters—better yet, new voters who are accustomed to demanding free stuff—it’s useless to the D’rats.
Schumer want to carve out DACA from the rest of immigration reform – that way they can get what they want and then block everything else. And they are pissed that Trump won’t play that game.
I’ll disagree. This is Progressive 101.
They will let some of their extreme fringe make a lot of noise, and even join in some of it themselves (see Pelosi, Nanny today), which will give the more center-left a LOT of cover to seem some reasonable facsimile of sane while pushing for more from T-rump.
If I’m right, you’ll start seeing some negotiation moves next week after a long weekend of craziness and spittle.
Just like Republicans liked being the victims for 8 years until Trump started kicking them in the ass, Democrats are now going to play the victim in an attempt to get more votes in 2018 and 2020. Pathetic really no matter which party you align with.
Speaking of pathetic, I haven’t heard anything about John Boner in quite awhile…
Five days after the election, Trump promised that he was going to deport 2-3 million illegals “immediately” upon taking office, then he was going to deport the rest of the 11 million. He was also going to strike down the Dreamer act, end birthright citizen, and build the wall.
And now, more than a year in, we’re heralding him a genius because… why exactly?
Thank you, Amy.
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need
What I want is every single illegal out of my country yesterday and they pay for it. I’ll settle for them leaving and pick up the tab ourselves.
Go ahead.
Get it done.
Who or what is stopping you?
Amy said, “Trump promised that he was going to deport 2-3 million illegals “immediately” ….[and] 11 million. He was also going to strike down the Dreamer act, end birthright citizen, and build the wall.”
That is a fair point, Amy. And it was one of the reasons I did not want to vote for him. It sounded like total BS that he just expected us to swallow and …apparently, it was.
How does that work, exactly, deporting 4.1 million people, many of them hardworking families? Do you just drop them off downtown Mexico City? Do we get to see pictures of them begging live on Facebook? Do we get to see the people who were our neighbors and friends starve?
There is an old adage of warfare; No plan survives contact with the enemy. Politics is simply warfare in a different arena.
I keep explaining this and people don’t seem to get it. Trump is a pragmatist and not an ideologue. He has no desire to deport large groups of people, unless it benefits his agenda. He has no desire to lock up Democrat politicians or destroy the Democrat Party. He is an outsider to the political process who has a well defined agenda. That is to make America Great again through economic stimulation, Remember this. It is the key to understanding why Trump does what he does.
Trump has shown no desire to serve a second term in office. He is pushing the elements of his agenda quickly. One of those is to reduce or eliminate illegal immigration which negatively impacts lower wage Americans, by filling jobs that these lower skilled Americans need. Deporting less than 1 million DACA registrants will not accomplish much in that regard. Deporting 10 million illegal immigrants, ir getting them to self deport will make a much bigger dent in the job market. But, to be successful, long term, illegal immigration must be reduced or stopped. Chain migration and the immigration lottery must be stopped. Work visas have to be reallocated to skilled labor from ditch diggers, gardeners, hotel maids and Uber drivers. This, in conjunction with reducing regulation and taxes on businesses, revamping US trade agreements to be more favorable to the American people and getting the government out of the health care insurance market, will expand the US manufacturing and business economy.
I’ll let you in on a potential part of the economic recovery plan that people are ignoring. I think that you will see a push, by the President and some Republicans, to reduce the welfare rolls and put more people to work. This is what terrifies the Dems. There is a good chance that if Trump succeeds in this, to any appreciable degree, the Democrat base of government dependents will be significantly reduced.
Don’t get caught in the single issue ideologue trap. It appears that Trump has a plan which should prove highly beneficial to all Americans.
“I’ll let you in on a potential part of the economic recovery plan that people are ignoring.”
Good to see someone else understands the long term.
You cannot truly reform/eliminate our current welfare system until there are jobs available.
Considering that this is Leviathan we’re talking about, a year later is immediately.
I hope the wall gets built soon and extended around CaliMexico. Since they have defied US Federal Law they can take in all of them !!
Haha. Maybe Jean Dixon was right. California will accept them all inside their kingdom and the added weight will make it fall into the ocean.
I don’t get how ending DACA will have dire consequences. How could it when the last three things Trump did pretty much already destroyed everything, right?
I mean – the oceans are rising, the minorities have all been put in labor camps, Nazis are goose-stepping down Main Street, and Wall Street will never recover. What’s left? 🙂
I’m just not sure at this point on how to interpret what The Donald is doing. Is he sincere in his proposal and wishes to have this whole issue of DACA/Dreamers behind us so infrastructure or something else can get to the top? Maybe a real budget and not a bunch of CRs. Or is he telling his child (dems) they can have three Oreos after supper if they clean their plate of Brussels sprouts and kale and then taking the Oreos back because they didn’t clean their plate (accept the offer of supper) thereby causing the kids to throw a tantrum.
He could also instruct ICE to go on a deportation rampage until further notice and get everybody out that doesn’t belong here legally whether they are a DACA or overstayed a student/work visa until the Dims decide to come to the table. Then I bet the 1.6 million vanishes from the equation because they didn’t want to negotiate at the first offer.
This may be masterful Okie-doke. If this deal (or one like it) goes through and the open borders Democrat base fills their diapers, the mid-term election may swing against Democrat incumbents who voted for it because somebody’ll have to vote for it in the Senate. If it doesn’t go through, the Democrat’s base may crap their pants because Trump will point out that there’s not been a Republican offer this generous and you turned it down thereby turning the base against Democrat incumbents.
We just have to see how well the Republicans can hold their tongues while the Democrats try and eat their own. It will make for a memorable SOTU speech next week since the Democrats won’t realize how they’ve been played.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”
Hang on a sec. I thought the sky crashed yesterday?
“Well yah but this time it’s worse!”
Barely audible in all of this racket you can hear Americans Last. Mexico is coming off of a record year in homicides due to the cartels fighting over record profits pushing super opioids up here to meet the pill head demand. This is a 3rd world murder hole we’re next door to and its stated only in political terms.
Do not miss the truth that this reaction illustrates. That is that the Establishment backed Dem/Lib/Prog leadership does not care a wit for the DACA registrants. They really care little for illegal immigrants, the poor or racial minorities. These are just tools to them.
Here we have a HUGE breakthrough for illegal immigrant status normalization. It is actually an offer of amnesty for all DACA registrants and anyone else who would have qualified for DACA status. This should be a monumental win for illegal immigrant advocates and for the Dems. But, they are all opposed to it. Why? Because they are terrified of the long term benefits of the Trump agenda to the American people. The Trump agenda will reduce the number of people dependent upon government largess. It will radically increase the the number of free men and women in this country. And that will radically decrease the power and prestige of the Dem/Lib/Prog leaders and the immigration activists. In the case of the latter, they only make money if they have a cause to “fight” for. Look at what happened to Civil Rights Movement leaders. Even though they have gotten everything that they ever asked for, and more, they are still running around screaming that minority discrimination exists and is wide spread.
Don’t listen to what people say, watch what they do.
Agree completely – what Trump just highlighted with this overnight drama is that the Dems actually do NOT care about the Dreamers, and do NOT want any deal that would solve the issue.
Dems are in fact for complete open borders and amnesty for 20 – 30 million – that’s what would be happening right now if Hillary had won. Dems have been cynically trying to use the Dreamers as a wedge issue to make Americans support amnesty (oh look at those poor little sad childrens that had no choice) So what Trump did was to offer them a huge sweet deal to take care of the issue – and which now exposes the total hypocrisy of their position when they reject it out of hand, because in fact this was NEVER what they wanted.
Trump just exposed their true position for all to see, on the national stage. Irrefutably. They are hard core, radical, open border extremists, the entire Dem Party, and they will never agree to anything less than that. Which means they will never agree on any legislative fix at all.
RE: ” the Dems actually do NOT care about the Dreamers ”
Repeat, and repeat, and repeat – to all Americans and the Dreamers!
That’s fine. You can feel whatever you want. But it is not going to happen because there are lots of people like me who want to see the good, hardworking people who came up here because they were trafficked for their cheap labor not get shipped back by the millions in cattle cars. Deal with it.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m against human trafficking for cheap labor and political purposes, aka illegal immigration. I want to see a wall and security to the point where illegal immigration is a thing of the past, just like you do. I’d love to see the MS13 gang bangers, felons, and slackers get a one way ticket home tomorrow.
But saying that we are just going to ship the GOOD people back is not realistic, no matter how much you don’t care. And even if we did, it would have a major impact on inflation, as the price of everything would spike up dramatically if suddenly everyone has to be paid a fair wage.
So let’s come up with a good plan that fixes it, provides a system for the working, honest ones. We don’t have to make them voting citizens tomorrow. We can come up with a realistic path way. It’s a win/win for everyone except the democrats who want to keep them in a perpetual state of dependency.
oops…above was a response to a post above. Sometimes I forget when I log back in that I have to re-click on the appropriate reply button. Sorry.
But saying that we are just going to ship the GOOD people back is not realistic, no matter how much you don’t care.
Remember, Trump’s broader stated goal is “merit-based” immigration. His new “DACA deal” is just that. He brings the illegals out of the shadows by registering them. They screw up once, they’re gone. He just added a “merit-based” filter to illegal immigration. Smart.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) January 26, 2018
A path to citizenship under Trump’s plan would take 12 long years. During that time, “Dreamers” must be PERFECT or they get deported. In the end, the only ones left to achieve citizenship are here on “merit” and will likely vote Republican because they will be prosperous.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) January 26, 2018
4fun, I don’t disagree with you. I have no problem with the idea that they have to work for it and prove themselves. I don’t think they are entitled to citizenship. I just think it would be inhumane AND stupid to send those who contribute and truly belong here away, just because many don’t deserve to stay.
The problem with your plan to come up with a fix to allow honest, hardworking lawbreakers, who either entered this country illegally or remained here in the knowledge that they were violating the laws of this nation for their own benefit, to remain legally and to provide these criminals a path to citizenship is horribly demeaning to the millions of people who came to this country legally and jumped through all the legal hoops to become citizens. Why would you want to crap all over these honest, hardworking people who actually played by the rules to reach that goal. When did this country begin to reward cheaters and thieves? Should we promote people caught stealing, from the till in a business, because they show up for work everyday? Exactly what world do you live in? This country does not need more people who only follow the rules that they like or want to follow.
Life is complicated. I don’t want to crap over all of those who did it legally. But if I was dirt poor, I’d like to think that I have the get up and go to do what it takes to follow the beacon of Freedom that America offers.
I don’t want them getting “ahead” of those doing it legally and I don’t want the grifters, grabbers or gang-bangers to remain.
Many of these people will make better citizens than a good many legally born here. Why not come up with a meaningful system to control the borders and allow them to stay here and make America great again.
So, you are saying that being poor is justification for committing crimes which benefit the individual committing them. Does this then mean that poor people should be allowed to steal or rob? How about welfare fraud? Poor people get a pass on this? How about bringing in a load of drugs to get a grub stake? Is this alright for the poor?
And, you definitely stated that you DO want these people to get ahead of those who come here legally. Otherwise we would not even be having this discussion.
All of these people should go back to their country of birth. Now, if they have registered for DACA and have been vetted by the US government, it may be possible to waive some of the vetting done before unknowns enter the country. But, to allow them to remain and, worse, give them a path to citizenship is simply wrong.
No, I’m not saying being poor is justification for breaking the law. Nothing is ever that black and white. What I am saying is that, given that there has been, for the last 50 years, an entire system existed to encourage and assist the dirt poor to risk it all in a Las Vegas style game of chance to become a shadow class of indentured servants and escape poverty, that I can only think, “there but for the grace of God go I”.
So, while I can’t really disagree with what anyone is saying about the Devil in the details, I believe that any grace and compassion that can be extended is justified for those who simply took advantage of what our lawmakers and businesses have encouraged them to do, and are now grateful for the opportunity to become otherwise law abiding, productive members of our society.
As usual Trump has exposed the left for what they are children…it’s that simple!
To often we revert back to the old political way of thinking and Trump changed that forever(well, for now anyway)!
Ted Cruz is correct on this. I have been an ardent supporter of Trump from the beginning but this bullshit amnesty may be a deal breaker for me.
If you can believe the polls then a large majority of the people want to help the DACA people. I am a staunch conservative but within reason I can go along with them being allowed to stay. But to qualify they must have been educated here and speak fluent English along with no criminal record. At the same time no more chain migration, no lottery migration and no more birth rite citizenship. These three things are at the heart of the problem and must be eliminated.
Build the wall and the Gutierrez inspired statue.