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Media Bias Tag

The latest ad from the Republican Party for President Donald Trump attacked the mainstream media for all of a sudden not reporting or downplaying Hunter Biden's scandals. Trump also released three ads attacking Joe Biden for selling out America "to make his family rich."

As you may know, the New York Post has been locked out of its Twitter account because of the story they recently broke about the Biden family's alleged corruption in Ukraine. Twitter claimed it was clamping down on unverified and potentially dangerous news stories to justify their punishment of the Post. But now, dozens of people who work in media have been gleefully retweeting a hoax meant to smear former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Will they be locked out of their accounts? Don't hold your breath.

The Hunter Biden email scandal is gaining steam despite the best efforts of Big TechMary covered the scandal as it emerged when the New York Post published the bombshell, and now Joe Biden has responded.  In typical Joe Biden fashion, he attacked the reporter asking the question and dismissed the underlying scandal as a "smear."

Social media platforms, namely Facebook and Twitter, have hidden behind a specific provision, Section 230 of the Communications Act, maintaining that they are platforms, not publishers, justification they've used in broad and largely ideologically specific content and user censorship. Thursday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai indicated those days may soon come to an end.

The 2020 presidential debate process has been a train wreck. The first debate with Chris Wallace of FOX News was terrible, largely due to Wallace himself who, at times, argued with Trump more than Biden did. Then Steve Scully, the moderator of the second debate came under scrutiny for anti-Trump bias. The second debate has been cancelled as Scully's Twitter account is being investigated for a supposed hacking that's about as believable as the investigation of Joy Reid's old blog.

The list of people completely broken by Trump just gained an addition -- Fox News's John Roberts. Despite the fact that Trump denounced white supremacy during the first presidential debate (and the media ran with the narrative that he refused to do so), John Roberts asked if Trump would denounce white supremacy during Thursday's White House press briefing. Watch:

I don't even know where to begin with the story on President Donald Trump's tax returns in The New York Times. There is so much wrong with it that someone like me, with no accounting or tax background, can figure out the article is worthless. But how about the three media conspiracy theories debunked by the story?

It's been obvious for months now that Joe Biden uses a teleprompter—and not just for speeches. He uses it during what are supposed to be unscripted interviews with reporters and when answering questions from high-profile Democrats and voters in the middle of virtual events like fundraisers and campaign-driven town halls.