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Media Bias Tag

Monday morning, Professor Jacobson joined The Michael Berry Show to discuss the recent verdict, awarding $11 million to Gibson's Bakery, who sued the college claiming defamation. During the interview, Professor Jacobson dismembered what's becoming national media spin -- that the case was actually a case about campus free speech. As Jacobson explained, "it's not."

We have witnessed the mainstream media collapse due to Trump Derangement Syndrome, but I have also seen people on Facebook share supposedly conservative news that is also not true. Fake news has made it hard to trust the news. Who do we believe? What do we believe? If we do not have faith in the press to tell us the truth, where will we go? It has become an actual problem. The Pew Research Center discovered that Americans believe fake news is more of a problem than terrorism, climate change, and illegal immigration.

Now that the Mueller report has gone out and the Russia narrative has completely collapsed, one thing is immediately clear. The cable news hosts, so-called experts, columnists, and analysts who have been pushing the hoax for over two years are not happy.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's apparent re-election has irked the European mainstream media. Many leading European media outlets decried the Israeli leader's "right-wing" policies that mobilized Israeli voters ahead of Tuesday's vote. German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau described Netanyahu's victory using anti-Semitic terminology with the headline: "The Eternal Netanyahu," a reference to the 1940 anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda film, The Eternal Jew.

There they go again. The Democrat media just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to President Trump.  Too many this weekend jumped on a #FakeNews story that was debunked a year ago about Trump calling illegal aliens and asylum seekers "animals." Stacey wrote about Democrat and 2020 presidential hopeful Robert "Beto" O'Rourke's casual lie about Trump calling all illegal aliens "animals."  The president, of course, said no such thing and was clearly referring to the violent criminal gang MS-13.