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Media Bias Tag

Every once in a while a story catches my eye because it just seems so ludicrous that I have to click over to ensure it's accurate. This is one of those times. CNN's Jeffrey Tobbin, confronted with a CNN poll no less, is in utter denial that the Democrats' misguided impeachment witch hunt is failing even among Democrat voters. Toobin, upon hearing that there is a double-digit drop in Democrat support for impeachment and removal said he didn't believe it for "one second." He declared the poll "wrong" because . . . he "said so."

A video appears to show Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Anne, Princess Royal gossiping about President Donald Trump. The media has used this video to explain why Trump announced this morning that he planned to leave the NATO conference early.

What a difference two years makes.  Back in 2017, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was on the floor of the U.S. Senate reading a 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King opposing the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. It was one of Warren's contributions to the debate in the Senate over President Trump's nomination of Sen. Sessions for attorney general.

Tuesday, Project Veritas released a video showing what appears to be ABC News reporter Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ Co-Host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, discussing how the network had the Jeffrey Epstein story with extensive detail from one of his alleged victims, corroborated by other women, three years ago, but that the network ultimately killed the story.