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Due to recent terrorist attacks, German politicians have now asked Chancellor Angela Merkel to deport over 200,000 migrants who failed to gain asylum. Homeland expert Armin Schuster said:
In his appeal for a speeding up of deportations, Mr Schuster said: “Some could get the impression they could get away with anything because they don’t realise how mildly the state reacts to those breaking the law.”

With three major terror attacks in less than a week, Germany has been rudely awoken to a harsh new reality. Two of the attackers, Afghan (17) and Syrian (27) with refugee status, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State before embarking on their terrorist mission. Chancellor Merkel's government is responding to the rising threat of Islamist terrorism by proposing to tighten gun ownership laws and giving greater powers to the army in matters of domestic security. Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière called for tightening firearms laws, while Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen wants a greater role for German Army (Bundeswehr) in domestic situations.

Two Syrians in Germany attacked innocent civilians on Sunday. One killed a pregnant woman with a machete while the other detonated a bomb outside of a music festival. The bomber recently pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, which has led authorities to call it a terrorist attack. Authorities call the murder of the pregnant woman a crime of passion since the attacker was in love with her. The attacks come only days after Ali Sonboly, a German-Iranian 18-year-old, killed nine at a McDonalds in Munich.

After every mass shooting, even those clearly terror related, Obama and Democrats leap at the chance to push for anti-Second Amendment legislation that will disarm the innocent and the law-abiding. From calls for gun control "action" to executive orders to "a day of action" for gun control, we consistently hear about the need for strict gun control from the left.

Authorities have discovered German-Iranian Ali Sonboly,18, had an obsession with mass shootings and researched them before he murdered nine people in Munich. The police said:
“With regard to the suspect we have to examine everything, but we don’t know yet what triggered the crime,” said Peter Beck, a police spokesman. According to investigators, materials were found in Mr Sonboly’s room indicating a fascination with mass shooting incidents. “There was material found in the apartment of the suspect that showed a particular interest in shooting sprees”, said Thomas de Maiziere, Germany’s interior minister.

The Munich police have an 18-year-old German-Iranian male shot and killed eight people today. He killed himself afterwards and they do not have a motive.

“German problems are rarely German problems alone,” wrote German philosopher Ralf Dahrendorf once. German problems tragically tend to engulf the rest of world as well. The two Great Wars of the 20th century have been no exception. As European civilisation, having overcome Nazism and Communism in the last century, faces another existential threat in form of Radical Islam, this maxim might again holds some truth. The European migrant crisis that started last year was result of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s single-handedly scrapping of the EU asylum laws and the opening of the Schengen Borders. Chancellor Merkel’s actions might have been met with disbelief or even anger in some European capitals, but she got strong backing from Brussels’ bureaucracy, and from Germany's political and cultural elites.

With terrorists associated to the Islamic State striking one European city after another, Secretary John Kerry went on CNN saying, the ISIS was “on the run.” The blood wasn’t yet washed off the pavements of Nice, France where an Islamist mowed down 84 people to death, an Afghan ‘refugee’ went on a stabbing spree in the southern Germany city of Würzburg. As German decision makers go deeper in denial and continue to plead helplessness in face of Islamist attacks, terrorism is fast becoming the 'new normal' for Europe. Just hours after the terrorist attack in Würzburg, Germany’s Refugee-Czar Peter Altmaier reassured the country that “refugees posed no increase security threat.”

Barely 4 days after the deadly attack in Nice, France that killed 84 people and left more than 300 injured, Germany has been hit by a terrorist attack. A 17 year-old Afghan ‘refugee’ went on a stabbing spree inside a commuter train near the southern German city of Würzburg. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he attacked passengers with knife and axe -- critically injuring four people. The attacker was killed by Special Forces just 500 meters from the crime scene, as he tried to flee. German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reports:
On Monday evening, a 17 year-old man injured 4 people critically and another one slightly in a commuter train. A man attacked passengers in the train, armed with a knife and an axe. After the train was stopped by the passengers in Heidingsfeld [near Würzburg], the 17 year-old escaped on foot. He was shot down by Special Forces as he tried to attack a police officer.

Iran has been making repeated attempts to acquire nuclear-, chemical- and biological weapons technology from Germany, reveals the annual domestic intelligence report published by the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) last week. According to the report, last year Iran made 141 attempts to illegally secure technologies related to [nuclear, chemical, biological] proliferation in the state of NRW alone. This indicates an almost 100 percent rise compared to 83 such attempts in 2014. If this intelligence report is to be believed, than German government was aware of Iran’s continued efforts to acquire Nuclear and WMD technologies while it was pushing for a Nuclear Deal with Tehran 0n the world stage. Chancellor Merkel’s Government enthusiastically backed Obama-sponsored Nuclear Deal and was one of the six countries that worked out a nuclear agreement with Iran last year.

A leaked police document shows that 2,000 men assaulted over 1,200 women across Germany on New Year's Eve. The police have only caught 120 suspects. Foreigners make up the majority of suspects, which shows that the increase of refugees and migrants is linked to the rising sexual assault and rape cases across the European Union. Germany added stricter rape laws due to the influx.

According to a latest intelligence report, Germany harbours an alarmingly large number of Islamic terror operatives on its soil. Germany is home to about 300 Hamas and 950 Hezbollah members, the annual report of Germany's domestic intelligence agency -- the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) -- reveals. The report was released last week by German interior Minister Thomas de Maizière and President of BfV, Hans-Georg Maassen. “The supporters of Islamist-terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, who aim is to destroy the Jewish State of Israel, are focused on their region of origin [Middle East] and primarily conduct acts of terrorist violence there [Authors translation],” says the 317-page long annual intelligence report.

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Chicago Mayor and long-time Obama confidant Rahm Emanuel once said. Despite being rejected by the UK voters in the last month’s referendum, top bureaucrats running the European Union want to do precisely that. Since Brexit results, they have unveiled plans to build an EU Army, expand the entitlement programmes, and boldest of all -- calls to create a unified EU Government, a pan-European Superstate. What was once confined to the realm of myth and conspiracy theory, is now being proposed from the helm of the EU. On the day of the Brexit result, President of EU Parliament Martin Schluz and German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel published a detailed proposal calling for reconstituting the EU into a European Government. Both Gabriel and Schulz are leading members of Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) that is currently in a coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU). Having tied its lot to Merkel’s policy of open borders, SPD’s poll numbers have hit a historic low. The proposal co-published by two of the Europe’s most powerful politicians wants to wrest remaining economic powers away from the national governments, creating an ‘Economic Schengen’ zone.

What should be first of its kind, a leading German bank has shut down an account connected to the anti-Israel boycott campaign -- also know by the acronym of BDS. Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest bank, closed the account of anti-Israel and pro-BDS website “Der Semit”. The action is expected to have implications for other banks providing services to groups affiliated to the BDS campaign throughout Germany. Israeli Minister for Public Security Gilad Erdan welcomed the decision taken by Commerzbank and urged other European banks to take similar steps against anti-Israel and anti-Semitic groups raising funds and carrying out transactions in Europe.

For many Christians fleeing the nightmare of religious persecution in Arab and Muslim lands their torment and suffering doesn’t end when they arrive on the shores of Europe since Islamist bullies single them out for harassment. A detailed study released by the Christian group Open Doors on Monday says that newly arrived Christian refugees in Germany are facing systematic violence, harassment and abuse at the hands of Muslim migrants. The most disturbing part of the study is the abuse faced by Christians at the hands of Muslim guards inside the German refugee housing. In many refugee housing centres most of the migrants and the security guards are Muslim. The Christian group talked about the prevailing atmosphere of “fear and panic” among the persecuted Christians arriving in Germany. According to a Christian minister from Berlin, Christian refugees must take part in Islamic prayer and threatened if they refused to comply.

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad confirmed he will sign a bill that will not allow public companies to do business with firms involved in Israel boycotts. Iowa's Senate passed House File 2331 last week in a 38-9 vote. The legislators hope the bill counters "efforts of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement." Palestinian groups began the movement in 2005 as a way to money and goods from Israel. "I just think it is wrong to be boycotting our friend and ally, Israel," declared Gov. Branstad. "There is a lot of opportunity for us to do business with them, and I don’t believe we ought to be penalizing Israel, of all countries. They are one of our best friends and allies. This is something I strongly support."