Erdogan’s Turkey is a Major Islamist Hub, Says Leaked German Intel Report
Erdogan Regime supporting Jihadi groups like Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, German government assessment

A newly leaked German intelligence report dubbed Turkey as a major hub for Jihadi groups operating worldwide. The confidential document belonging to German Interior Ministry published by several German newspapers says that Erdogan-ruled Turkey has “developed into a central platform of activity for Islamist groups in the Middle East.” The latest revelations should not come as a surprise to anyone, however the publication of confidential document puts more pressure on German government to take a tougher stand against Erdogan’s Islamist Regime.
The internal assessment drawn by Germany’s intelligence service, BND, sees “ideological affinity” between Erdogan Regime and Islamist terror groups. The report specifically focuses on Turkey’s ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Gaza-based Hamas. Erdogan Regime has been one of the strongest backer of Hamas — ever since the terrorist group took hold of Gaza in 2006.
The revelations in Germany coincide with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to release 38,000 convicted criminals from the country’s prisons to make rooms for tens of thousands of political detainees following the last month’s failed military coup against his government. In a sweeping post-coup clampdown, Turkish government has arrested 35,000 citizens including not just military personnel but also journalists, judges, civil servants and school teachers.
An Islamist by conviction, Erdogan, who’s has been running Turkey since 2003, has made no secret of his disgust for democracy and rule of law. Early in his career, he told his followers that ‘democracy was like a train’ he intends to ‘get off once he reaches his destination’. With opposition and critics now rounded up and thrown in jails without trial, Erdogan and his Islamist goons have now abandoned that train for good.
“As a result of the increasing Islamization of Ankara’s domestic and foreign policy since 2011, Turkey has become a central platform for action for Islamist groupings,” the leaked intelligence document said. Germany’s state-run broadcaster DW News reports:
The German Interior Ministry has said that, based on information from Germany’s intelligence service, BND, it believes Turkey has “developed into a central platform of activity for Islamist groups in the Middle East.”
As an example of the “ideological affinity” between the Turkish government and Islamist groups, the ministry cited Turkey’s ties to the Palestinian group Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as armed Islamist opposition groups in Syria. (…)
Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal appeared to be pleased with the support from Turkey. At the time, the Islamization of Turkey’s foreign policy was just beginning to become an issue. But the reception of the Hamas delegation gave a taste of things to come. According to Turkish diplomatic sources, Erdogan again met with Mashaal this past June.
The support for Hamas reached a high point in 2010 when a Turkish organization loaded a ship with aid supplies for Palestinians and attempted to breach an Israeli sea blockade of the Gaza Strip. Israeli commandos raided the ship, killing 10 Turkish activists. A diplomatic row between Turkey and Israel ensued, and the two countries only normalized relations a few weeks ago.
The revelations could not have come at a worse time for Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel who is trying salvage a migrant deal with Erdogan’s Turkey that is now almost teetering in the verge of collapse. Under this deal Turkey gets $3 billion and visa-free entry for its 79 million citizens in Europe — in return for its promises to curb migrant influx into Europe.
Earlier this month, Austria’s Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz had urged the EU to scarp the Merkel-Erdogan Deal, calling it a “house of cards”. Merkel faces stiff opposition within her own Christian Democratic Party (CDU), with many leaders openly critical of visa-free entry for tens of millions of Turks.
The fact that this intelligence report was leaked to the press from the Interior Ministry run by Merkel’s own party, could well be seen as act of sabotage aimed at bring down the unpopular deal.
An Islamist by conviction, Erdogan, who’s has been running Turkey since 2003, has made no secret of his disgust for democracy and rule of law. Early in his career, he told his followers that ‘democracy was like a train’ he intends to ‘get off once he reaches his destination’. With opposition and critics rounded up and thrown in jails without trial, Erdogan and his Islamist goons can now safely abandoned that train for good.
Erdogan has no intention of keeping his side of the bargain. Just weeks before the migrant deal was signed, Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with refugees. “We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria anytime and we can put the refugees on buses,” Erdogan told the visiting EU officials.
In fact, the flooding Europe with migrants is part of Erdogan’s ideological Islamist warfare against the ‘infidel’ West. To put it in his own words, “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the Islamic faithful our soldiers.” For Erdogan, mass migration into Europe is waging of Jihad by other means.
The political elite of Europe are either too naïve or too deluded to see through Erdogan’s deception. One doesn’t need read leaked intelligence reports to figure out his Islamist game plan.
Video: Hamas spokesman says, “Erdogan’s [election] victory is a victory for Palestine” [November, 2015]
[Cover image courtesy Reuters, YouTube]

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Wish there was some way I could add the needed vocal inflection of sarcasm……..”you don’t say!!”
The coup leaders failed by not going all-out. Now they’re on the receiving end of madman willing to do the violence they were not.
Looking at how this went down, I can’t help but think that this was a set-up by Erdogan from the get’s like he set this up as the way for him to get his enemies into just where he wanted them, egged them on through a double cross, and then he announces emergency powers to eradicate his enemies once and for all.
It’s been no secret that he desires to eliminate the secular from Turkish society, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the little weasel didn’t secretly want to declare himself the caliph of a restored caliphate.
And to think we actually had nukes within his territory.
Within a year Turkey will be totally sharia compliant and any other religions will be banished. If this isn’t an eye-opener for the West then we are blind! This is what muslims do when given unlimited power. They have shown us this over and over but for some reason, the left and the msm seem to want to hide this trait and protect them from any criticism.