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Culture Tag

I loves stories of law enforcement going out of their way to serve and this particular tale has ALL the feels. When none of his 21 classmates showed to up ten-year-old Toxey's birthday party, Arkansas State Trooper's threw him a surprise get together he won't soon forget. They came with gifts, a cookie cake, and an official State Trooper badge.

Bad news for Pastafarians. A federal court in Nebraska ruled Flying Spaghetti Monster is not actually a god. Stephen Cavanaugh, prisoner of the Nebraska State Penitentiary sued prison officials because, "their refusal to accommodate his religious requests." His request to have Pastafarianism recognized as his official religion was smacked down by a U.S. District Court who wrote, "The FSM Gospel is plainly a work of satire, meant to entertain while making a pointed political statement. To read it as religious doctrine would be little different from grounding a ‘religious exercise’ on any other work of fiction.” According to Religion News:

Bill Whittle's new Firewall video is inspired by a recent incident at San Francisco State University which we also wrote about. As usual, Whittle does an outstanding job of dismantling the left and exposing them for the hypocrites they are. Here's a partial transcript via Truth Revolt:
Firewall: Appropriate This! Well, “Cultural Appropriation” is the latest form of combat used by Social Justice Warriors: a term used by crybullies to describe themselves as fighters against prejudice and privilege. They are the first warriors in history to burst into tears and require weeks of therapy at the mere sight of an actual weapon.

Italian legislators have introduced a novel educational proposal -- teaching kids about cultural heritage and the driving force behind their country's economy! New legislation would devote an hour per week to teach kids ages six to thirteen about "wine culture and history" at school. Quartz has the story:
Alongside sprouting beans and lentils, winemaking has been an occasional feature of science classes for Italian children for decades. At age seven, I remember making white and red varieties, and waiting with my classmates for them to ferment into wine. They turned into vinegar—so we learned that grapes make wine and vinegar, too.

Is it an epidemic? Yet another decades-old rockstar miraculously found a feigned moral superiority soapbox. Canadian rocker Brian Adams, most famous for his early 90s hits, has decided Mississippi's religious freedom laws are too draconian for his liking. ABC News reported:
Canadian rocker Bryan Adams is canceling a performance this week in Mississippi, citing the state's new law that allows religious groups and some private businesses to refuse service to gay couples. Adams said in a statement Sunday night that he was canceling a show Thursday at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. The singer says he can't "in good conscience" perform in a state where "certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation."

Can you tell what's racist about the image above? Allow me to explain. You see the black girl is nothing more than an arm rest for the white girl. That's the latest outrage from the left. The photo was part of an ad for the Gap but they've pulled it and apologized. Ace of Spades says it's "Because They're Weak and Stupid and Have Been Scared By People Who Are Even Weaker and Stupider" and he's right. USA Today reports:
Gap apologizes for racially insensitive ad Clothing retailer Gap apologized on Tuesday after receiving criticism that an ad for the company’s children’s clothing line was racially insensitive.

Corporal Daniel A. Miller will be headed to Washington, D.C. on an Honor Flight next week. He served in the Pacific theatre during World War II as a TEC 5. Three of his now-late brothers also fought in World War II, though Corporal Miller is the last of his thirteen siblings still with us. Honor Flight is an incredible program. It's "non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials." More than 20,000 veterans were flown in to their memorials last year alone. His great-grandson, Joshua Perry, is asking anyone who feels compelled to do so send Corporal Miller a short note, which he'll receive on his honor flight, April 16.

As I was reading through my newsfeeds, I kept seeing this story about "black staffers" leaving the RNC in droves.  It sounded ominous, like everything the mainstream media and progressive left have been saying was playing out in a mass exodus of black Republicans from the party. Here are some of the headlines: from NBCNews:

Yet Another Top African American Staffer Departs RNC

from the Sun Times:

RNC Losing Top Black Staffer

from Huffington Post:

Top Black Staffers Leave The Republican National Committee

However, once you follow the link and read the stories, these black staffers are simply moving on to new and greener pastures, often within the GOP or in more lucrative media roles.  For example, the subject of the stories above is  Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, the national director of African-American Initiatives at the RNC, and she "is leaving the organization to work for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) as his director of intergovernmental affairs."

For April Fool's Day, Hamburger Helper released a rap album. And it's really good. No joke. The five-song album called, "Watch the Stove" features songs called "Feed the Streets", "In Love with the Glove" and "Food for Your Soul." The lyrics are family friendly: "I mix it so good you think I'm a natural/ You catch me at the stove, I was whippin' up a bowl/ I just came back from the stove five-star restaurant at home." The beats are solid. Catchy too. As awesome as the album itself is the backstory. Jessica Roy of the LA Times reported "Watch the Stove" was a local Minneapolis (home to General Mills headquarters) effort that included the musical brainpower of neighborhood college kids.
"It's really taken off," Taylor Madrigal told me. You know him better as DJ Tiiiiiiiiiip, one of the people featured on the opening track of the album, "Feed the Streets."

Stewardesses for Air France have been ordered to wear headscarves when flying into Iran's capital of Tehran and they're not happy about it. The order has sparked a backlash. The Telegraph reports:
Air France stewardesses mutiny over order to wear headscarves Air France stewardesses, furious at being ordered to wear headscarves in Tehran, say they will refuse to fly to the Iranian capital when the airline resumes the service later this month.

On Thursday, a Muslim woman reported to police that a stranger who shouted "terrorist" at her slashed her face with a knife.  Apparently, after having been so "attacked," the woman then called 911, only to later admit that she was not attacked and that her wound was self-inflicted. The incident has been widely reported, including in a publication called Arab American News:
A blade-wielding wacko called a Muslim woman a “terrorist,” then sliced open her face as she left a downtown Manhattan cosmetology school, police said. The woman, 20, is a student at the Make-up Designory on Broadway near Rector St. and was leaving the building and walking toward Trinity Church at 4:50 p.m. when her attacker struck. Police sources describe him as a white man wearing a black hat and a black jacket. He came up behind her, slashed a roughly two-inch gouge into her cheek, and ran off, police sources said.The woman then ran back into her school on the 15th-floor and called a relative, who called 911.

Back in 2012 Professor Jacobson reported on the organized movement to ban the term "illegal alien" because it is deemed "racist."  Since then, California governor Jerry Brown has banned the term, the LA Times drifted into lala land banning both "illegal immigrant" and "undocumented immigrant," and former House Speaker John Boehner issued a memo about "individuals living outside the rule of law." A group of graduate students at Dartmouth have succeeded in their bid to get the terms "illegal" and "alien" to describe illegal aliens removed from public libraries across America that use the Library of Congress subject list. The Washington Times reports:
The Library of Congress has decided to no longer use the heading “illegal aliens” in bibliographic records after Dartmouth College students petitioned to ban the “racially charged” term. The Library of Congress denied the ban request in 2014, arguing that “illegal alien” is an official term for people who are in the country without proper documents, students told Fox News.

Last month, the city council in Charlotte, North Carolina passed an ordinance that included allowing transgendered persons to use bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, etc. for the gender with which they identify. This did not sit well with North Carolinians, nor with their state legislature, and in a special session, the state passed a bill that would make it state law--thus over-turning the Charlotte ordinance--that people can use such facilities only for the gender with which they were born, not the one they identify with or claim to be.  North Carolina governor (and former mayor of Charlotte) Pat McCrory signed the bill into law late Wednesday. Watch the report:

The University of Iowa has an interesting take on Disney's latest animated feature. Evidently, Zootopia is laced with racist, coded language.
Zootopia is a film about a young rabbit, Judy Hopps, and her dream to join the police force in the world populated by anthropomorphic mammals. Judy is denied a high position in the police force and is assigned meter-maid duty. All animals are bipedal regardless of their species. The animals that are usually prey in the animal kingdom are the dominant force and look down upon the predators. Throughout the whole world of Zootopia, the predators are bullied by the prey, and this is an amazing shift from reality. There is a strange occurrence happening in the film that involves many predators disappearing and going “savage.” Going savage includes going back to their natural state, which means going back on all fours and attacking prey. I believe the message present in the film is an allegory to the current status of the white population in contemporary society. The majority of the people who were involved in the writing of this film were white. This aligns with my idea of the allegory present in the movie. The prey are akin to minorities of the world, in the way that they get preyed on by the predators, which are white people.

Walt Disney and Marvel, a Disney subsidiary, are threatening to boycott Georgia if Governor Nathan Deal signs into law a religious freedom bill that recently passed the Georgia state legislature. The bill, HB 575, had already undergone significant revisions in response to pressure from SJWs.  The bill was initially designed to protect businesses and non-profits whose owners had religious objections to providing services for and participating in gay "marriages"; however, the new version is less accommodating to religious freedom. The Washington Times reports:
The bill initially would have allowed Georgians to decline service for same-sex weddings if doing so violated their religious beliefs. But, sensing the coming storm, Mr. Deal urged lawmakers to make substantial changes to the legislation before passing it.