Emory U students traumatized that other students support Trump
And the University vows to track down the perps.

Professor Jacobson recently wrote about how Donald Trump’s rise is driving countless people into the offices of mental health professionals.
The latest example of Trump induced psychosis is unfolding at Emory University where students were horrified this week to find someone took a piece of chalk and wrote pro-Trump messages on campus sidewalks. The horror!
Rather than simply ignoring this like any normal person would do, certain activists within the student body are demanding that the university president denounce this message of hate.
Yes, really.
The Emory Wheel reports:
Emory Students Express Discontent With Administrative Response to Trump Chalkings
Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.
Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
After approximately ten minutes outside from the start of the demonstration, the gathered students were ushered into the Quad-facing entrance to the Administration Building and quickly filled a staircase to continue their demonstration. Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.
“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added…
My alma mater in the news- Emory kids protest when someone writes TRUMP with sidewalk chalk https://t.co/zwTRwq76px pic.twitter.com/MjeDOZLpu1
— Kmarko (@Kmarkobarstool) March 22, 2016
Barstool Sports website has more of the “chalkings.”
The school’s president initially stood up to student demands:
University President James W. Wagner, who had been standing just inside the threshold of the door, had been called into the board room by students and listened at the head of the table while they described how the appearance of the chalkings made them feel. He addressed several questions throughout the time in the board room, including “Why did the swastikas [on the AEPi house in Fall 2014] receive a quick response while these chalkings did not?” to which Wagner replied that they “represented an outside threat” and clarified that it was a second set of swastikas that received a swift response from the University. “What do we have to do for you to listen to us?” students asked Wagner directly, to which he asked, “What actions should I take?” One student asked if Emory would send out a University-wide email to “decry the support for this fascist, racist candidate” to which Wagner replied, “No, we will not.”
Then he relented and agreed to track down the perpetrators:
The University will review footage “up by the hospital [from] security cameras” to identify those who made the chalkings, Wagner told the protesters. He also added that if they’re students, they will go through the conduct violation process, while if they are from outside of the University, trespassing charges will be pressed.
David Schraub, a law professor who writes at The Debate Link blog compares this story to another recent incident at Emory University:
Two Tales of Free Speech at Emory
A few days ago, Eugene Volokh posted an opinion by Emory University’s “Standing Committee for Open Expression” which gave a broad defense of open expression rights at the University (Volokh’s brother, Sasha, serves on the committee). The opinion was in reference to an incident where Emory’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter put up a mock wall in front of a campus building as a means of protesting against Israeli policy. Two Emory community members proceeded to vandalize the wall.
The opinion concludes that such vandalism conflicted with the principles oi open expression that govern an academic institution. It expressly rejected the notion that any subjective feeling of “offense” caused by the display, or its alleged “incivility”, or the acknowledge commitment of Emory to creating a diverse and inclusive academic space, could justify the attempt to suppress the SJP’s expressive activity. All of this seems exactly right in my view — had I seen the display, I may well have been offended (the SJP hardly has a spotless track record), but that is simply no excuse for vandalism or other thuggery aimed at suppressing their speech. Free expression requires that we sometimes must endure even deeply offensive, uncivil, or anti-pluralistic speech…
Assuming, as seems plausible, that Emory does not have a general (or at least generally-enforced) policy of prohibiting chalking in support of political or social causes, the pro-Trump messages are no different in form than the SJP wall display. In both cases, many will find one or both forms of expression threatening and emblematic of deeply hostile and oppressive social norms. It is absolutely reasonable to be upset that people hold such beliefs. But in an academic community, this cannot result in any official censorship — as one would have hoped the Standing Committee’s opinion would have made clear.
Here’s the funniest part. Even the far left site Gawker is making fun of these students:
Word “Trump” Written in Chalk Terrifies, Harms Emory Students
First, it was offensively inauthentic sushi at the Oberlin dining halls. Now, a new—and somehow worse—wickedness torments America’s students: Someone drew the word “Trump” on the ground at a college.
Thanks to a new report in the Emory Wheel, I’ve learned two things: the student paper at Emory is named the Wheel, and a bunch of these kids are extreme weenie babies, so sensitive and unprepared for the mild psychic hurdles of our shared reality that they are literally crying out in pain because of a letters they saw when they turned their heads in certain directions.
Note to students everywhere: When even Gawker thinks you’re pathetic, you’re doing it wrong.
]Featured image via Barstool Sports]

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The Emory Board on free speech, filing it completely away since 2016.
Swish, that went over my head at 4pm… but after some liquid clarification… brilliant!!!
I prefer to think I “nailed” it. 😀
Took a few seconds for that to click, but I’m on pain meds after surgery.
Get well soon! Glad they didn’t remove your funny bone or you would have missed my pun.
I know several Emory grads who are big time Trump supporters. They are watching how the university handles this very carefully.
As for the protesting students, how would they react to a fellow student wearing a Trump shirt in class? Would they demand their arrest, expulsion, execution?
If these babies represent the future of our nation, we are *soooooo* screwed ~
It makes being old a good thing.
Well, let’s just say it adds some balance.
We are screwed in a far more insidious way that you intend… none of these petulant children is employable in the private sector so they will do one of two things… work for the government in places like the IRS or DOJ or for some nutty community organization. Either way they will have an impact on the future of our country.
Yup, I was fully aware of the double implication. Definitely a disturbing thought ~
I hope the university marching band does away with those brass thingies that you blow through. Trumpets think they are called.
I mean…. when a person puts their lips to one end of the instrument and blows, the symbolism is obvious. We might need all of North Dakota set aside as a safe place once Generation Snowflake figures this out.
Right now, on spring break, I notice many of the tender set have found their safe space in Cancun. Young, drunk and in the sun…. same as generations before and, I am sure, generations to follow. After all, this SJW stuff only goes so far before it interferes with one of the primary points in college life.
“Generation Snowflake” heh heh heh. ain’t it the truth?
meh. we fussed about Obama and were viewed by the left much as they view us now. lefties gonna hate!
it is disturbing to see how quickly Generation Snowflake seems to give up freedom for the illusion of comfort.
If this happened outside my dorm, I’d just busy myself going around campus, erasing T’s. This would satisfy both my lack of support for Trump’s candidacy, as well as my occasionally juvenile desire for prankishness in the Beavis and Butthead tradition.
I no, I don’t actually live in a dorm.
There is an error in your story.
Gawker has officially been re-named to the Hulk Hogan Retirement Fund.
Once again, another weak, sniveling university President is going to get fired by the board.
He should have laughed in their faced and told them to get over themselves.
Fucking CHALK is vandalism?!?!?! SERIOUSLY!?!??! Get a hose and stop whining.
Ah, the poor, fragile little snowflakes. [sarcasm intended]
Procedural recommendations for the President of Emory:
1. Turn the fire hoses on these whiners.
2. Post the video of it to YouTube.
3. Enjoy fame and fortune forever after.
Get a Sissy degree at Emery U.
I love the student logic:
The university responded to swastikas.
The word “TRUMP” is equivalent to a swastika.
Ergo, the university must respond to “TRUMP.”
“We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
I laugh every time I read a sentence like that, because it calls to mind a Mad Magazine cartoon with that slogan, and a picture of somebody putting chains on the tires of a car in a snowstorm. This was at a time when everybody had a car in the US, and cars were both rare and government owned in the Soviet Union.
File under “Screaming Campus Garbage Babies,” part CCXCVIII.
Pain and fear? These children plainly have never experienced either.
BOR had a segment on this tonight. A Junior at Emory (ok, a young Republican) explained that chalk writing is common form of expression in the center of their campus, not a prank or graffiti. There had been other examples, such as Black Lives Matter, and Bernie Sanders etc., none of which caused any kind of uproar. Seems like Wagner caved, no surprise there. Wonder what these kids will do when and if they ever get a job?
Now, people know how millions and millions of people felt when Barack Obama became president…! I’m still TRAUMATIZED over that and will definitely feel better when he is out of the White House..!!
This is what happens when you admit students who are marginally qualified. They end up in fluff classes where the indoctrination occurs because they can’t hack anything with real substance. Try putting them in engineering and, if they survived (which they probably wouldn’t), they wouldn’t have time to protest. And I think they know that, too, in their heart of hearts, which is why they have such big chips on their shoulders.
These young people have been brainwashed into action-ready sociopaths of the American-Mao’s Red Guard. Wait till they give them chalk erasers – and then Obamacare Security badges and pistols.
LI commenters traumatized that other LI commenters support Trump