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July 4th weekend is a perfect time to reflect on our freedoms and their importance. In that spirit, Remy of Reason, who's kind of the Libertairian version of Weird Al Yankovic, has produced a parody of Toby Keith's song "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" which enjoyed popularity after the attacks of 9/11. You can make an argument, and many conservatives have, that things like the Patriot Act haven't directly impacted the civil liberties of average American citizens, but some things have obviously gotten out of control, as exemplified in Kemberlee's horrific post about the TSA yesterday.

Through the course of my daily interneting, I happened across a post that discussed the babies born in Dachau. Naturally, I had to check this out further. Their stories are amazing and too good not to share. First, the story of the babies pictured in the featured image:
In this image is 5 of 7 women (shortly after their liberation in Dachau) who were pregnant and had given birth, all during the Holocaust. Each woman is a miracle. Miriam Rosenthal (not pictured) survived Auschwitz before her arrival. Eva Fleischmanova (middle) survived two inspections by Josef Mengele.

You may remember Bill Pullman's now iconic speech from the 1996 summer flick "Independence Day". Pullman played the role of American President, rallying a rag tag group of fighter pilots about to take on alien invaders. Twenty years later and the "Independence Day" sequel is in theaters. College Humor put together a video that imagines how media today would respond if an American President were to deliver Bill Pullman's Independence Day speech.

Adding strips of bacon to bottles of vodka lead to a three-day, tax-payer-funded stay in county lock-up and a few criminal charges for one Oklahoma bartender. According to The Pump Bar's owner, the state's laws on alcohol infusions are opaque at best.

Western feminists are happy to talk about the ever growing threat of the patriarchy and trivial issues like mansplaining, but are often curiously silent about the plight of women in Muslim countries. Author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali has noticed this silence and has a few questions for feminists.

Legal Insurrection readers and authors were recently having a robust discussion on the the British exit from the European Union and its potential impact on the U.S. Perhaps the biggest #Brexit effect with be on state independence movements. For example, Louis J. Marinelli, a Californian political activist and leader of the California independence movement, is using the European developments to drive a harder push to have California split from the United States.
His dream of seeing a free, independent California Republic was buoyed by Thursday’s shock result of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union—known as Brexit. Marinelli, president of the "Yes California" movement, was inspired by the Brexit vote, as “Leave” supporters in England and Wales overwhelmed “Remain” backers in Scotland and Northern Ireland—prompting discussions of whether Scotland will hold another referendum to leave the U.K behind and retain EU membership.

Governor David Ige of Hawaii has signed into law a bill that requires gun owners in that state to be registered in an FBI database that will automatically notify police if an Hawaii resident is arrested in another state. Fox News reports:
Hawaii signed a bill Thursday to become the first state to enter gun owners into an FBI database that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country. Gov. David Ige said in a statement that the legislation is about community safety and responsible gun ownership. He said it will help law enforcement agencies protect Hawaii residents and visitors.

Irving Kristol once famously described a conservative as a liberal who has been mugged by reality. In the case of film star Kelly McGillis, it was a home invasion which changed her mind about concealed carry. Bearing Arms reports:
After Home Invasion, Kelly McGillis Is Going to Conceal Carry Her ‘Top Gun’ Actress Kelly McGillis exploded into the American consciousness in the 1980s with riveting roles as a young Amish widow and mother in Witness (1985), Tom Cruise’s love interest in Top Gun (1986), and as Jodie Foster’s attorney in The Accused (1988).

Could there have been bona fide reasons for Brexit? Not if you believe Joy Reid. On her MSNBC show today, Reid suggested that old and rural voters, who tended to vote Leave, had "hijacked the future of the young." She also blamed voter discontent on Prime Minister David Cameron's "austerity" program. Guess Reid reckons that people would have been happier with a UK that looked like Greece. Ron Insana chimed in to suggest that older voters were "re-romanticizing" their past, leading Reid to see a symmetry with Trump campaign, which she claims is being driven by the "nostalgia voter."

The Marine Corps discovered officials misidentified Harold Shultz, a private first class from Detroit, MI, in the famous Iwo Jima picture. The investigation also found that John Bradley, a Navy hospital corpsman, did not raise the flag. Bradley's son "wrote a best-selling book about his father’s role in the flag-raising that was made into a movie directed by Clint Eastwood." Schultz always knew he was in the picture, but never spoke about in public.

Maine's First Lady has joined the working class ranks. Recently, she picked up a summer job waiting tables to supplement the household income. "People expect something different of you because of who I'm married to," Maine's First Lady Ann LePage told local news. Governor LePage makes $70,000 per year in exchange for his stewardship of Maine, making it the lowest paid governorship in the country. The average two-person family income in Maine is about $17,000 more annually than the governor's salary. First Lady LePage is saving her summer earnings to buy a car.

World #4 golfer Rory McIlroy has announced he will not play at the Rio Olympics due to the Zika outbreak. He released this statement:
"After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to withdraw my name from consideration for this summer's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. "After speaking with those closest to me, I've come to realise that my health and my family's health comes before anything else. "Even though the risk of infection from the Zika virus is considered low, it is a risk nonetheless and a risk I am unwilling to take. "I trust the Irish people will understand my decision. The unwavering support I receive every time I compete in a golf tournament at home or abroad means the world to me. "I will continue to endeavour to make my fans and fans of golf proud with my play on the course and my actions off it."
Scientists have connected Zika to birth defects, including microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Numerous athletes have withdrawn from the Olympics because of Zika while some have expressed doubt they will play, but have not made up their mind yet.

Francis William was born four months early weighing just over a pound and a half. Doctors gave him a 15% chance of survival. "We had a choice -- do everything or do nothing," said his Mom. "We wanted to give him a chance." Francis William's Dad wanted to know if his son had a real chance of survival. "I didn't want false hope, like please be honest with me, how is he really doing? I pulled one of the doctors aside and he says, let me just tell you, the numbers are all against Francis." The NICU nurses left a handful of markers for the family to create something colorful on the white board used for status updates in Francis William's room. His Aunt used her creativity to construct a "Finding Nemo" drawing. That innocuous little drawing lead the family to a greater story of hope.

On Memorial Day weekend, we covered the accident with Harambe that led to the shooting of a rare gorilla to protect a boy who fell into the Cincinnati's zoo enclosure. Now, in time for Father's Day, there is troubling news related to the awful death of Lane Graves. The 2-year old was attacked by an alligator at the man-made Seven Seas Lagoon located across the lake from the Magic Kingdom in Disneyworld.

I have been following the antics of 17 state attorney generals who formed (AGs United for Clean Power), which intends to promote the progressive climate change agenda by targeting the fossil fuel industry using racketeering statutes. Recently, thirteen Republican members of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee Republicans sent letters to 17 state attorneys general and eight environmental groups requesting documents related to the groups’ coordinated efforts to deprive companies, nonprofit organizations, scientists and scholars of their First Amendment rights and their ability to fund and conduct scientific research free from intimidation and threats of prosecution. Now, a coalition of Republican AGs, headed up by Alabama's top cop, Luther Strange, issued a letter promising retaliation in kind, directed at "AGs for Clean Power. Call this rebuke fighting fire with fire!

The state of Rio, not the city, continues to topple as the governor declared a "state of public calamity" only 50 days before the 2016 Summer Olympics kick off. The state spent over $2.8 billion alone "on a 10-mile extension to Rio’s subway to link a series of wealthy beachside neighborhoods in time for the Olympics." But now they cannot afford to pay for public expenses. Maybe they shouldn't rely on the government for everything? But I digress. From The Wall Street Journal:
By declaring a state of calamity, interim Gov. Francisco Dornelles authorized his subordinates to adopt “exceptional measures necessary for the rationalization of essential public services” to meet Rio’s commitments for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The move further allows the government to skip the bidding process to hire some contractors and loosens minimum spending requirements on mandatory items like education and health care. An official in Brazil’s Finance Ministry said the decree would also enable Rio to obtain federal resources more quickly.

Despite of the evil that overrides the headlines, there is still good in this world. Meet Greg Zanis, a man from Illinois who built and delivered 49 white, wooden crosses for the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. ABC News reported:
Greg Zanis built 49 wooden crosses then drove 1,200 miles from Illinois to Florida to place them outside the Orlando Health Medical Center. "My message today is love your brother, love your neighbor. Don’t judge ‘em." Zanis says he plans to pass along the messages people write on the crosses to the victims’ families.