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Culture Tag

Yesterday in Rio, 19-year-old Ginny Thrasher won the USA's first gold medal in the 2016 Olympics; she won the women’s 10-meter air rifle finals to the excitement and pride of every American.  Well, almost every American, the backlash from the left runs the gambit from droll to downright nasty and mean-spirited. Ginny is a college student from Virginia who first shot a rifle while hunting with her grandfather, joined her high school rifle team, and was subsequently inspired by the 2012 Olympic shooting events to go for the gold herself.  Ginny's performance on Saturday morning was nothing short of outstanding and is being called an "upset" in that she out-shot a two-time Olympic gold medal winner. The Washington Post reports:
Thrasher . . . was one of eight competitors to emerge from the 50-woman qualification round Saturday morning.

Over the last year, colleges across the country have bent over backwards to accommodate student protests but they're now finding out there are consequences for that. Many alumni donors are making their disapproval known by withholding donations and that should be setting off alarm bells in the office of every college administrator. The New York Times reports:
College Students Protest, Alumni’s Fondness Fades and Checks Shrink Scott MacConnell cherishes the memory of his years at Amherst College, where he discovered his future métier as a theatrical designer. But protests on campus over cultural and racial sensitivities last year soured his feelings.

Back in March, Alabama's governor, Robert Bentley, signed into law legislation that will legalize brewers' direct sale of beer to customers for home consumption. reported at the time:
The new law will:
  • Allow breweries that make less than 60,000 barrels per year to directly sell up to 288 ounces of its beer per customer per day for off-premise consumption.
  • Allow breweries to deliver up to two donated kegs of its beer to a licensed charity event.
  • No longer require brewpubs to open only in historic buildings, historic districts or economically distressed areas.
That "288 ounces . . . per customer per day" limitation has resulted in a proposal from Alabama's alcohol regulators that has raised more than a few eyebrows.  They want breweries to require customers provide personal information so that the breweries can provide that, along with individual sales information, to Alabama's Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board.

PETA never misses an opportunity to spread their propaganda! They have chosen golfer Andrew Johnston as their latest target, whose nickname "Beef" has sent the animal rights group into a tizzy. They want him to change his nickname to Tofu. Yes....TOFU. They even asked him to become a vegan.

Australian artist Lushsux has removed his mural of Hillary Clinton after the local council voted on it. He first put her in a very revealing swimsuit, but placed a burqa on it when the council first told him to paint over it.

Yes, I know there are more pressing matters in the world, but every now and then it's worth pausing to reflect upon the fact that in many ways, Darwin was right. An inebriated Kentucky couple was in for quite the surprise when they happened upon a beehive just after crashing their car through a fence, to be stopped by a utility pole. From an eyewitness:

Jessica McClard in Fayetteville, AR, decided to open the Little Free Pantry in her neighborhood, which supplies food and hygiene items to those in need. She said:
“I check on it about once every day because it’s at the church,” McClard told ABC News of the small structure located in front of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. “I know it turns over in about 30 minutes. That suggests to me that are more people on the demand side than the supply side.”

Sunday night I created the hashtag #DemocratWarMovies and before long, it actually started trending on the site. I figured I'd use this opportunity to explain how I got the idea. All weekend, I watched as the Democrats and the media saturated the airwaves with the Khan family who ranted against Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention.

I would say this is THE dumbest thing I've seen in a long time, but that's impossible to determine in 2016. Regardless, it's one of the dumbest things I've seen lately. Social Justice Warriors killed an emoji (the irony is not lost on me), because they're known for tackling the important things in life. Apple has replaced its pistol emoji with a less threatening water gun. Because using a water gun in a text message is less threatening? Equally as dumb is yet another emoji update that will show women doing jobs typically done by men. SO PROGRESSIVE.

Wyatt Gillette, 8, passed away on Sunday a day after the Marines made him an Honorary Marie at Camp Pendleton in California. He always wanted to become a Marine like his father.

Minimum wage hikes sound great on the surface, but as we've been reporting here at LI, such hikes tend to do the opposite of their proponents' stated intention.  From forcing businesses to fire employees, cut hours, and find technological replacements for workers, minimum wage hikes are counter-productive, even destructive to low-income workers. For example, a new study from Seattle shows that "there was almost no effect on workers' average total earnings" due to a combination of factors including fewer hours and a more difficult time finding a second job to make up those lost hours. The Washington Post reports:
[T]he actual benefits to workers might have been minimal, according to a group of economists whom the city commissioned to study the minimum wage and who presented their initial findings last week.

San Diego may have joined Dallas and Baton Rouge as cities who have lost police officers in a deliberate attack.
San Diego police were trying to determine whether a shooting that killed a veteran officer and wounded another was a deliberate attack. Jonathan DeGuzman, a 16-year veteran of the force, died Thursday night when a gunfight erupted after he and his partner stopped someone on a street in a blue-collar area of town. Hours later, a trail of blood led to a wounded suspect who remained hospitalized in critical condition, while a second man described only as a potential suspect was captured after an hours-long SWAT standoff Friday.
San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman held a press conference, during which she described her work with the slain officer.

One year after saving her life, Officer Patrick Ray joined a tea party with 2-year-old Bexley. He answered a 911 call after the girl choked on a penny.

A new documentary first crossed our radar yesterday at College Insurrection. It's a short film about the state of free speech on college campuses which focuses on Brown University, where the filmmaker went to school. Despite the focus on Brown, the issues examined in the film are universal because this is a phenomenon happening all over the country. The social justice warrior left has figured out that they can advance their agenda much easier if they can get everyone else to shut up, so that's just what they're doing.

My old boss Andrew Breitbart said politics are downstream from culture. When celebrities say or do something, it is important to take notice. Popular metal band Disturbed received honors from the Mansfield Police Department in Massachusetts after they allowed them to use their cover of Sound of Silence in a video. All the band members expressed gratitude while vocalist David Draiman told the cops they have much respect for the cops and thanked them for everything they do:
"It is a crying shame what has happened in this country," he told the cops. "You guys give everything for us so it's the least we can do."

Dinesh D'Souza's new film "Hillary's America" opened on Friday and will get plenty of buzz as the Democratic National Convention unfolds in Philadelphia this week. To help promote the movie, Dinesh and his team have released a music video featuring Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers. The Hollywood Reporter has the story:
Dinesh D'Souza Drops Music Video for 'Hillary's America' Doc Ahead of the DNC Dinesh D'Souza on Saturday released a music video for his latest documentary, Hillary's America, featuring Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers singing "Stand Up and Say So," the song they wrote and performed for the film, which opened Friday.

Japan's Funai Electronics announced they will stop building VCRs this month. They have trouble finding the parts to build the machines:
"We are the last manufacturer... in all of the world," the company said in a statement, which cited sales of just 750,000 in 2015. That's down by millions from the video cassette player's heyday.

The newest video from Prager University is hosted by Dennis Prager himself and is as entertaining as it is enlightening. For the subject, Prager examines the differences between socialism and capitalism with an eye to the stereotype propagated by many on the left that capitalism makes people selfish.