Critical Race Theory | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 55
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Coca-Cola Company is barrelling full-steam ahead in the hopes of being crowned the most wokest woke company of uber-woke 2021.  Last month, Professor Jacobson wrote about "Coca-Cola Impos[ing] Racial Quotas On Outside Counsel Staffing. This month, we learn that Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to attend a divisive, destructive online course designed to make them hate themselves because of the color of their skin.

The California public school and university systems have seen their fair share of controversy—from outrage at the Islamist Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) involvement in a San Diego "anti-bullying" program to blowback against the Burbank Unified School District's practice of temporarily discontinuing the teaching of classic books. Now, the state's Department of Education is back in the hot-seat as its much-reviled "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) " has once again made headlines for its reliance on the neo-Marxist (so-called) academic discipline known as "Critical Ethnic Studies."

During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest hot-button issues has been the closure of schools. While some states such as Florida reopened schools months ago, others have remained shut, often at the behest of teacher unions. Biden's pick for deputy secretary of education is Cindy Marten, the superintendent of schools in San Diego. She is on the side of unions and closure.