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Black Lives Matter Tag

Trying to agitate law enforcement officers into verbal and physical confrontations so they can yell "assault!" while cameras are rolling is one of the oldest tricks in the book for organized left-wing rage mobs. But in the protests that started in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, we're seeing a variation on that tactic that involves white leftist agitators attempting to lecture and/or shame black police officers on racism - and in some instances using the n-word to do so.

If you needed any further confirmation that the radical left has lost its damned mind, look no further than the Twitter hashtag #CancelYale.  This inspired piece of trolling mocks the left's determination to destroy statues and anything else—up to and including our nation's foundation, the Constitution—that they deem "racist."

I have been chronicling the saga of efforts to get me fired and denounced at Cornell Law School because of blog posts I wrote critical of the Black Lives Matter Movement as it originated, developed, and plays out now:

So there I was, minding my own business, enjoying my newborn second grandaughter (did I mention that?), when shit rolled downhill at me in the form of fury from some Cornell Law School faculty, alumni, and students, because I told some hard truths and expressed some tough opinions about the start of the organized Black Lives Matter Movement and the recent rioting and looting.

In 2015, we were the first to report on a 14-page Demand List issued by ABUSUA, Oberlin College's Black Students Union, including faculty hiring mandates and tenure promotions for black faculty, as well as a demand to “deconstruct imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy” and to divest from Israel. The Demand List went viral, and is the most-viewed Scribd document we have posted, with over 172,000 reads.