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Big Tech Tag

The WalkAway movement was started by Brandon Straka, who left the Democrat party and became a Trump-supporting conservative after the 2016 election. Straka inspired hundreds of thousands of other Americans who felt the Democrats had moved too far left and also walked away from the party. Now Facebook has purged his page.

The Democrat/Media/Big Tech axis has decided that it is safe—now that the election is over—to inform the American people about the shady Ukrainian and ChiCom connections and influence-peddling scandal surrounding Hunter Biden and implicating 'the big guy,' then Vice President and now Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.

I've long been an admirer of conservative firebrand Candace Owens. She's a smart as a whip and absolutely fearless champion of conservative principles—of limited government, of the Bill of Rights, and of American values that want to lift up every American of every race, religion, creed, etc. rather than dragging everyone, excepting the leftist political elite and their favored entities, down to an "equitable" level of abject poverty and blind reliance on government for their daily bread.

Glenn Reynolds launched Instapundit in August 2001, which laid a key foundation stone down for the publication and dissemination of independent conservative news and opinion over the past 18 years. "Instalanches" have blessed Legal Insurrection with many links. Over the past 18 years, Reynolds has observed the deterioration of social media and shared his observations and experiences in a new publication: The Social Media Upheaval. I had a chance to read it last week, and I wanted to share my thoughts about his most recent work.