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Biden Immigration Tag

There is a full blown crisis happening at the southern border. While Democrats and the media twist themselves in knots insisting that everything is totally different under Biden, the number of unaccompanied children trying to cross the border is skyrocketing. This is not happening by accident. People clearly believe they have a chance of getting in because of the new administration.

U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton in the Southern District of Texas issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) on President Joe Biden's deportation plan after Texas filed a lawsuit against the administration. Tipton just extended the order for 14 days to February 23, 2021.

Before Joe Biden even took office, DHS reported a surge in illegal border crossings in anticipation of his presidency.  Since taking office, Biden has been busily undoing President Trump's border and illegal immigration policy, effectively opening our borders in the midst of a global pandemic.