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Yes, Yes, Yes! Are You Ready for Terrifying Law School Tuition? Are Single Sex Schools the Wave of the Future? Dartmouth Student – Can the government shutdown teach us to live with less? Is Oberlin the college with the worst return on investment? War on...

With both houses of Congress passing the budget deal, and the Tea Party being smeared by both parties, I wanted to give my Legal Insurrection friends some reasons to have hope and a reason to focus locally. Many of these reasons can be found in Ballotpedia,...

We previously wrote about Anna Shireman-Grabowski, a Middlebury College student who, with non-student activists, removed a flag memorial on 9/11 this year remembering the victims of the World Trade Center attack, claiming solidarity with the Native American Abenaki tribe: My intention was not to cause...

Just a quick post to say that it looks like it will be back to discussing a Senate plan today, after no success with the House yesterday.  There are a series of meetings that are supposed to occur today.  We’ll add any major updates to...

Two middle school girls were arrested by Florida authorities Monday evening and charged with felony Aggravated Stalking in connection with the case of 12 year old Rebecca Sedwick, who committed suicide in September. Sedwick took her own life after months of alleged bullying, which included...

A former high-ranking member of “Gangster Disciples” street gang, “Noonie G,” has called out the Chicago machine for failing to address the root causes of Chicago violence: the illegal drug trade. Speaking to Breitbart’s Rebel Pundit, he referred to people like Jesse Jackson, Jr., and...

There have been a series of meetings today to discuss the situation on the shutdown and debt limit.  Some headlines from this afternoon, if you’re just catching up: Reuters reports Senators close in on deal as threat of default nears: The plan under discussion would...

We have featured Pallywood here many times, the Palestinian industry producing everything from outright video hoaxes to mere gross exaggerations all in the name of demonizing Israel. But there is an even more pernicious western media version of Pallywood, the outright bias and misleading characterization...

(Live Twitter embed at bottom of post) AP via WaPo reports: A crowd of people has converged on the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, pushing through barriers to protest the memorial’s closing under the government shutdown. WTOP Radio ( ) reports Republican...

You know the story why this blog was started on October 12, 2008 at 5:42 p.m. Here’s what the blog looked like on November 15, 2008 and for the first 2 1/2 years while we were on Google Blogger (Yikes! It’s like looking at your junior high school photo): Hey, look...

I followed Shirley Sherrod’s lawsuit against Andrew Breitbart and Larry O’Connor over an edited video of Sherrod’s speech to an NAACP chapter very carefully early on, demonstrating beyond doubt that the core of Sherrod’s claim, that she was falsely portrayed in a short video Breitbart released,...

A group of 40 tourists peasants stormed Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida, as reported by First Coast News (h/t Amy): A group of tourists didn’t let the government shutdown or the gate at the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine stop them...