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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

I became a Catholic in 2010, in part as a response to my involvement in the Tea Party movement. So, I was very excited about the news that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning: He will be the first head of the Roman Catholic Church to resign in...

People have been very interested in recent reports that highlight studies confirming the theory that an asteroid impact killed off the dinosaurs: [A]n international team of researchers, using the most precise dating methods currently available, have determined that while the asteroid impact wasn’t the only thing...

We recently posted a story on changing the direction of political dialog in this country, which asked the following question: How do we get a foothold for conservative ideas in the public schools, and how do we expand that foothold over time? An Idaho lawmaker may be...

My son just asked for the definition of a "Sisyphean task", as he is studying Greek myths in school. My answer: Trying to address the most liberty-crushing item from the Obama Administration. For example, I caught a Twitter hashtag that highlights a new concern about this administration's...

Professor Jacobson just analyzed how the left effectively uses web-pages to deride conservatives and their policies, and observes it is worthwhile looking at the integration of culture and politics. Anne Sorock offered a hands-on approach to change the direction of local media. And I stress the importance...

UPDATED! On my own blog, Temple of Mut, I post news about discoveries related to ancient Egypt. I also keep up with the news about modern Egypt, and today the country is being overrun with boobs.  The first example is Egypt's Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, who...

Agenda-driven journalism is poised to pit two Democratic constituencies against each other in my home state of California. Americans are becoming aware that there is an "oil boom" in this country, courtesy of the technology behind the fracking of oil shale.  California's Monterey Shale Formation, which...

I recently covered an example of what passes as sensible budgeting in California: The High Speed Rail system. You would be hard pressed to find a more epic example of a hideous blend of cost overruns, cronyism, and incompetence. So when Governor Jerry Brown touts fantasies of...

I am delighted to let Legal Insurrection readers know that my College Insurrection compatriot, Aleister of American Glob, will be on's Canto Talk program tonight (Thursday, Jan. 31st) at 7 pm Pacific/9 pm Central/10 pm Eastern Standard Time (click here for link). It is my...

More unintended consequences of laws which are too broadly worded. The Atlantic writer Derek Khanna recently named the Most Ridiculous New Law - 2013 a provision which previously had been waived but has come back making it illegal to "unlock" your cellphone.  And while there is plenty...

I recently reported that California was targeted for a massive effort by gun control activists intent on creating new and wide-ranging restrictions. Now, the Chief of Police in my hometown of San Diego has unwittingly unveiled the real goal behind this movement: The complete disarming of...

Many politicians fail to understand an inherent point of economics I refer to as the "Star Wars Tax Rule":  The more you tighten the tax grip, the more revenues will slip through your fingers. Today, I would like to highlight three recent news items that underscore...

The timing of the recent announcement from the Obama Administration that it would lift the ban on women serving in combat positions was fascinating. After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's responsibility dodging and Biden-esque responses to questioning by Senators yesterday, the White House needed a distraction...

President Barack Obama's inaugural address was an ode to big government. And, of big government entities, perhaps the most toxic to the American economy is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  However, this federal agency cannot hold a candle to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in terms...

I recently described how San Diego citizen activists helped pass public employee pension reform in San Diego, when we approved Proposition B in June of last year by an overwhelming majority. Of course, no conservative victory can go unchallenged. And, when conservatives win clearly, opponents head...

In College Insurrection, I recently covered a story showing that North Dakota universities were about the only higher education institutions in the country expecting increased funding.  These revenues are courtesy of the state's recent oil boom. This is one example of how oil shale may prove...