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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is lashing out again.  This time because people, "mostly in the media," keep telling her to shut up and go away.  She must also be referring to the many Democrats who have said the same thing as she keeps pointing at everyone but herself for her 2016 loss to President Trump. Her latest rant suggests that the people who said to her, "Go away, go away," are doing so only because she's a woman.

Unsurprisingly, the "Parkland Protesters" were co-opted by the anti-Second Amendment left, and everyone from the media to politicians on both sides of the aisle to former Supreme Court justices has been falling over themselves to support "gun control" in their name. Last month, Kemberlee blogged about how the "March for Our Lives" had been taken over by a variety of the usual leftist SJW agitators and demagogues.

This year's midterms are huge for both parties. A newly-released Fox News poll shows the GOP making gains in their voter preference poll.  If true, this is exceptionally good news not just for the GOP but for the president. Fox News reports:
The latest Fox News poll finds a tightening race when voters are asked their candidate preference in this fall’s congressional election.

After anticipating a crowd of 500k, March for Our Lives organizers reported attendance estimated at between 800,000 and 850,000 thousand.  The media gobbled this up and headlines splashed with variations on "Largest crowd EVAH" flooded the internet. The problem?  The real estimate, provided by an independent company, is 200,000, give or take two or three thousand.

Having already killed one person for his car, an armed terrorist took hostages in a supermarket in Trèbes, France to demand the release of Salah Abdeslam, a surviving member of an ISIS cell that attacked Paris in November 2015.  That coordinated attack resulted in the deaths of 130 people. The terrorist was killed by police, but not before he took the lives of five people and wounded 16 others.  One of the people killed during the terror attack was 44-year-old Lt-Col Arnaud Beltrame, a French police officer who traded himself for a hostage being held in the supermarket.

Former NAACP president and current community organizer Ben Jealous is running for Maryland governor and early on received an enthusiastic endorsement from Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Since then, he's won the endorsements of Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and now of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA).  Both of whom are positioning themselves for a 2020 presidential bid. As a former board member of the Bernie campaign's latest incarnation, Our Revolution, Jealous' campaign site reads like the wishlist of the self-avowed socialist Sanders.

Cue Twilight Zone music.  I was flipping through the four channels my antenna picks up, and happened across Ellen, the daytime talk show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres.  She was interviewing Ellen Pompeo, who plays the title character Meredith Grey on Grey's Anatomy, and they were discussing income inequality.  Imagine my surprise when the two Ellens began to sound like Bill Whittle on wealth creation.

Last month, Kemberlee asked, What in the world is going on with the Broward County Sheriff’s Department?, and this week we learn that Broward Country school officials and at least one sheriff's deputy recommended in September 2016 that the Stoneman Douglas High School shooter be involuntarily committed. In an almost unbelievable twist, the sheriff's deputy who recommended Nikolas Cruz be committed for psychological evaluation under the Baker Act is none other than school safety officer Scot Peterson.  That's right, the same Scot Peterson who was forced to resign after reports surfaced that he hid outside the school while Cruz carried out his bloody rampage unhindered.

President Trump needs to keep both the House and the Senate in order to fulfill even more of his campaign promises and to get more of his agenda passed.  However, things have not been going well for the GOP in special elections since Trump's own election. Recognizing how important Congressional majorities are to his Make America Great Again agenda, President Trump intervened in Nevada, convincing Senator Dean Heller's primary challenger to drop out so that Heller can focus on beating the Democrat without first getting beaten up by his own party's primary candidate.