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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

As the #MeToo movement seems to be winding down, the New York Times reveals that back in 2008 a top adviser to then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was accused of ongoing sexual harassment of an aide.  Hillary herself, the NYT reports, insisted that he remain with her campaign. One of the great ironies of twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary's 2016 defeat is that had she been elected, the entire #MeToo movement may not have happened at all.  It certainly wouldn't have gained the traction it did if Hillary and Bill were occupying the White House.

Newly-released messages between two FBI agents who were then working on the Hillary Clinton email investigation show that they and possibly then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew in advance that no charges would be recommended by then-FBI Director James Comey.  The FBI has further admitted to "losing" five months worth of texts between these same FBI agents.

As the #MeToo movement faces backlash from the left and backlash to the backlash from other elements of the left, Bill Maher wades into the controversy.  Maher, who is unafraid to say things that will be unpopular with his leftist audience, stated that he is "down with #MeToo, I’m not down with #MeCarthyism.” Maher notes that the #MeToo movement has developed into a McCarthy-like witch hunt that does not distinguish between degrees of offense or even between a joke and sexual harassment.  He labels them "distinction deniers."

During his presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump repeatedly spoke of his intent to support life should he be elected. This week he took another huge step in fulfilling this promise with his HHS's announcement of a new conscience and religious freedom division. Additionally, the HHS has announced that it will roll back another Obama era policy: HHS will no longer freeze out states that seek to defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.  Last year, the president signed a bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood.

Judicial Watch has taken the lead in pursuing government records of Hillary Clinton's sketchy use of at least 13 devices for emails while serving as Secretary of State, as well as her controversial decision to set up a private server. Judicial Watch's FOIA requests have resulted in quite a few bombshells.  Among them the fact that Hillary sent classified materials via email to her daughter and other such revelations that show the need to reopen the Hillary investigations.

Despite the Democrat and media "shutdown" fever, President Trump's economic and tax policies are creating real change, change that is improving or soon will improve the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. From over a hundred major companies providing "Trump tax" bonuses to major companies hiking employee pay to existing employees to major corporations announcing massive U. S. expansion and investment, the Trump economy is set to boom.

A former CIA officer, Jerry Chun Shing Lee, has been charged with "unlawful retention of national defense information." Lee allegedly had in his possession notebooks containing the details and identities of current CIA operatives and is suspected of identifying both spy recruits and CIA agents to the Chinese government. The New York Times reports:

A former C.I.A. officer suspected by investigators of helping China dismantle United States spying operations and identify informants has been arrested, the Justice Department said on Tuesday. The collapse of the spy network was one of the American government’s worst intelligence failures in recent years.

In this time of rampant Trump Derangement Syndrome saturating formerly credible news outlets, it's become the norm to expect the media to lie intentionally about President Trump. While it does not appear that the Wall Street Journal was lying intentionally, it has become clear that they (willfully?) misheard a quote from the president and then ran with its implications in a full article.

In the wake of Representative John Lewis (D-GA) announcing he would not attend President Trump's inauguration, more than 50 Democrats refused to attend.  Now three Democrats, so far, are refusing to attend the president's State of the Union (SOTU) address on January 30th. The first to announce his intention of skipping the President's first SOTU was Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).  His announcement was made early this month.

What can you say about soon-to-be-former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie?  At one time, it seemed his star was rising, that he was destined for the White House.  That is the historical moment to which Christie apparently clings. Christie, who leaves office—and almost certainly any political future—on January 16th, believes that if President Trump had not run in 2016, he'd be president today.

When President Trump signed the tax bill into law, Democrats, particularly in blue states with high state income taxes, wailed.  The Nation declared the new tax law "a deliberate attack on blue states," and New York governor Andrew Cuomo called it an "attack only on blue states" and "economic civil war." Among the attacks they perceive is the new law's $10,000 maximum for all state and local deductions.  Oddly, the left is howling because this is, as Vox points out, "effectively raising taxes on wealthy people." Setting aside the fact that taxing the rich has been the leftist mantra for decades and became particularly shrill during the Obama administration, blue states are now actively looking for ways to get around this and other measures in the new tax law.