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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Leftist billionaire Tom Steyer has made no secret of his desire to see President Trump impeached, and he has been putting his billions where his mouth is. His latest ad-buy via his Next Gen PAC goes beyond attacking Trump and demonizes every left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning American who votes Republican in this country.  Given Democrats' massive, humiliating losses at every level of government, that's a lot of people. The "Mother's Day" ad warns that the GOP is turning kids into misogynist, thieving, Trump-supporting bullies who march for white supremacy.

As we've been covering here at LI, Gina Haspel is President Trump's pick to head the CIA.  She has been blasted for her role in overseeing then-legal and -authorized enhanced interrogation techniques against Islamist terrorists. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has issued a statement in which he urges the Senate not to confirm Haspel due to her role in enhanced interrogation.  The problem with this, however, is that he voted to confirm John Brennan to the CIA's top spot, knowing full-well Brennan's role in enhanced interrogation.

President Trump gave a great speech at the NRA on Friday, and given the venue, his speech was primarily focused on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  Some of what he had to say, however, has ruffled some feathers in the UK and France. The speech is very campaign-esque and as such is fun to watch.  He covers everything from jobs, North Korea, Kanye, and Mueller to the focus of his speech: gun rights in America.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has written his memoirs, the upcoming book entitled The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and other Appreciations.  As has become increasingly usual, portions of the book are being released prior to its publication. The New York Times is reporting that McCain writes that he regrets selecting then-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) as his running mate.  Instead, he wishes he had "followed his gut" and chosen then-Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT).

West Virginia's GOP Senate primary will take place on Tuesday, and all eyes are on convicted criminal Don Blankenship (R).  Whoever wins Tuesday's GOP primary will face off against current West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D), and that is causing Republicans some concern given how important it is for them to keep the Senate in November. Republicans are concerned that West Virginia will turn into another Alabama where another wildcard candidate won the GOP primary but lost the Senate race.

Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed intelligence gathered by the Mossad that conclusively reveals that the Iran Nuclear Deal was induced by fraud. We are now learning that former Secretary of State John Kerry has been meeting secretly with foreign governments in an effort to salvage what Netanyahu has long-insisted is a bad deal.   Kerry's goal, apparently, is to encourage world leaders to pressure President Trump into keeping the Iran deal in place.

Despite the knowledge that a growing number of Americans deem the media untrustworthy and consider much of what is reported as #FakeNews, the leftist and mainstream media just can't seem to help themselves. They are whipping themselves into a frenzy over an NRA flier and further exploiting the Parkland shooting in their attempt to create a sense of what they feverishly—and falsely—claim is the NRA's hypocrisy.