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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

The leftstream media went into full meltdown mode Friday after President Trump tweeted that he was looking forward to the jobs report. With the speed of the ace reporters of yore leaping into action when an actual story breaks, they all leaped to their keyboards and tapped out stories about how Trump "broke protocol," may have broken a federal rule, may be guilty of insider trading or "worse," was "indiscreet with confidential information," and on. And on.

Tommy Robinson, the outspoken English activist who founded the English Defence League (EDL) only to later leave when it became too extreme, was arrested Friday while filming alleged child sex grooming gang members entering court for trial. One of the arresting officers told Robinson that he was being arrested for "suspicion of breach of peace."

Parkland activist David Hogg has carved out a special place in the hearts and minds of the uber-left and is thoroughly enjoying every minute, seeming at times drunk with the power he perceives he possesses. Hogg has no power on his own, of course, but he does have substantial power bestowed upon him by the targets of his destructive activism, power that Publix, at least, acknowledges as it suspends political donations in light of Hogg's anti-Second Amendment, anti-NRA "die-in" effort.

It seems that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un doesn't know what to make of President Trump.  Instead of caving to threats and insults from the Little Rocket Man, as Trump has branded North Korea's leader, Trump decided instead to cancel the proposed Singapore summit scheduled on June 12.   Following this announcement, North Korea blinked, stating that it did still want to meet with Trump. Now, reports indicate that North and South Korea held a "surprise" meeting to discuss salvaging the Singapore summit with Trump.

We've been covering the Trump administration's trade talks with China, and now both nations have reportedly agreed to halt the trade war, including the imposition of tariffs, until a deal has been reached. The AFP reports:
Washington and Beijing have agreed to abandon any trade war and back off from imposing tariffs on each other, Chinese state media reported Sunday.

As we noted yesterday, the leftstream media is busily trying to spin the Obama FBI's spying on the Trump campaign. Today, President Trump has announced that his will formally demand that his DOJ investigate "whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!"

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) denies a desire to run for president in 2020, while busily building up a campaign war chest.  But she has a problem, a problem so big that even leftist Trevor Noah called her out on it. Warren's Native American deception has been dogging her for years, and it looks like she has a plan to help rid herself of the "Pocahontas" label.  With President Trump branding her as "Pocahontas" and even Bill Maher casually referring to her by that name, Warren has been inundated with negative press and social media.