While in Paris last month, Obama was petulant and dismissive in criticizing Republicans who "
pop off" about his nearly imperceptible ISIS strategy. He said, "if folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. If they think that somehow their advisers are better than my chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them. "
Setting aside the fact that Obama is
not listening to his own advisors on the subject of ISIS and even required that
intel about ISIS be modified to meet the WH narrative, this is a rhetorical strategy that has worked for him in other cases such as ObamaCare. It's so effective for him that many Americans actually believe that Republicans have offered no ideas for health care reform should ObamaCare be repealed or simply collapse. Obama hopes that the same thing will happen regarding ISIS, but so far at least, that does not seem to be the case.
Instead, not only is the press pushing Obama on ISIS in the wake first of Paris and then—though less so—after the San Bernardino terror attack, but Republicans do have plans for defeating ISIS. One such plan was released this week by Ted Cruz.