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The Rapid Rise and Fall of CNN+ Week at Legal Insurrection

The Rapid Rise and Fall of CNN+ Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

The collapse of CNN+ in such a short amount of time is such an embarrassment for them. Think of the time and money they invested in this.

Then we had this disgusting incident at the Washington Post.

Netflix just took a major hit.

On the political front, Joe Biden had an awful week.

Reassuring the party.

Sounds about right.

Deep thoughts with Kamala…

Democrats. It’s different when WE do it.

This is just crazy.

How awesome would it be if he pulls this off?


MSNBC’s newest employee.

Ukraine updates.

Other world news.

Branco cartoon!


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Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of commie losers, especially to Chris Wallace!

What goes up must come down, especially if it’s Chris Wallace flying through the air toward the exit door.

Steven Brizel | April 24, 2022 at 1:38 pm

This is lone watching the sinking of the Titanic

And THAT’S how you flatten the curve in only 30 days.