Tucker Carlson | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 5
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Tony Bobulinski just appeared for a 45-minute interview on Tucker Carlson tonight. Bobulinski was involved in helping set up a deal with a company, CEFC China Energy conglomerate, connected to the Chinese Communist Party, through Joe Biden's son and brother. Bobulinski met twice with Joe himself, but the others were interposed as go-betweens to provide Joe with "plausible deniability" should it become an issue in a future presidential run.

Last night, Tucker Carlson shared emails obtained exclusively by his show which are allegedly from Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Tucker acknowledged that he has not proved they are from Hunter but emphasized that he believes they are authentic. The emails suggest that Joe Biden used his influence as vice president to benefit his son Hunter, financially.

In recent weeks, Tucker Carlson of FOX News has been a lone voice in the media wilderness. No one on television has been more brutally honest about what is happening in America right now. Carlson has even had the guts to criticize Black Lives Matter. For this, he must be punished.

Back in the spring of 2019, the political world was marveling at how small-town mayor Pete Buttigieg seemingly arrived from out of nowhere and took over Beto O’Rourke’s spot as the media’s favorite Democratic presidential candidate.