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Taxes Tag

Baltimore's new Mayor Catherine Pugh is sending public school students to the "March for Our Lives" event in Washington, DC. The event has been organized for the students of Parkland who have been repeatedly exploited by the left to push gun control. Pugh is charging the taxpayers of Baltimore for the trip.

Philadelphia set the bar last year when officials added a 1.5 cents-an-ounce to sweetened beverages. It only brought in $78.8 million...$13 million less than they city hoped. You mean to tell me that when you charge a lot more for pop that people won't buy it? I'm SHOCKED! Not really. I mean, as a loyal Diet Coke consumer, the tax wouldn't have pushed me away. But come on. You shouldn't really rely on a tax on something that people can avoid.

Democrats promised the passage of tax reform would spell certain doom, but their absurd fear mongering was all for naught. Seeing proof that Trump's tax reform package positively impacted their bank accounts, the majority now support the legislation.

Democrats have done their best to downplay the significance of the recent tax reform bill. Nancy Pelosi even repeatedly referred to the benefits as crumbs. Unfortunately for them, millions of Americans are enjoying bonuses and higher pay.

Democrats have spent years trying to "Raise the Wage" for workers in entry-level and part-time jobs, to no avail. Their approach was all wrong. Though they successfully installed minimum wage hikes in blue locals, the exact population they sought to help experienced layoffs, hour cuts, and even store closures as a result of the mandated wage increases (we've cataloged this ongoing story extensively). Thanks to recent changes in tax laws, Starbucks employees will finally get the wage bumps Democrats have spent years trying to deliver.

Just before Christmas, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that has set America's economy on a trajectory to prosperity and put wealth back in the hands of its citizens. The new rules also substantially reduced the country's corporate tax rate to 21 percent, down from a fairly hefty 35 percent. Now, a pair of California Grinches are offering a bill that would ultimately divert some of the federal savings back into Sacramento coffers.

The progressive city of Seattle has enacted a new tax on sugary drinks. This is normally called a soda tax, but in Seattle it also applies to beverages like Gatorade. The tax is so severe, that it almost doubles the cost of products.

What the heck was wrong with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday? I planned to write up one set of comments, but I'm glad I didn't because another set of comments came up today that received criticism from her #2 in the House. These comments included slamming the companies that have used their savings from the tax reform bill to give raises and bonuses to their employees. Then she criticized the fact that five white guys have started to work on a DACA bill and asked if they wanted to open a hamburger stand, which Minority Steny Hoyer (D-MD) called offensive.

President Donald Trump will sign the tax bill before he leaves for his Christmas vacation. At the last minute, Trump allowed in pool reporters. Trump will also sign the continuing resolution that will keep the government afloat through January 19.

The House of Representatives has passed the tax reform bill again sincethe Senate stripped two provisions in the bill because it violated Senate rules and removed the title of the bill. The Senate passed the revised bill late last night, 51-48, and sent it back to the House. The House passed the revised bill 224-201. Now the bill heads to President Donald Trump.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has overseen what he aimed for his entire political career: passage of a tax reform bill. The Senate will vote on it tonight and if it goes through, it will land on President Donald Trump's desk. If he signs it then the GOP will have its first major agenda victory of 2017 after failed attempts to repeal Obamacare. This bill includes language to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate. But it looks like the House will have to revote on Wednesday since Democrats said three provisions in the bill violate Senate rules.

The drama is almost over as the Republicans have unveiled their tax bill. They are also closer to victory since Sen. Bob Corker (TN) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) have decided to back the bill, leaving the Senate with only two undecided Republicans. From The New York Times:
On Friday, as Republicans released details about the final bill, it became clear that the agreement would provide deep and longstanding tax cuts for businesses, while providingslightly more generous tax breaks to low- and middle-income Americans byreducing some benefits for higher earners.