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Russia Tag

James Rosen of Fox News sketched the image below while waiting for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to appear before reporters. Rosen tried to parlay it into an exclusive interview, but no luck, via AP: Then Fox News television correspondent James Rosen reached over and handed Lavrov a...

Just as the NSA-Snowden leak story was being broken by The Guardian via Glenn Greenwald, and to a lesser extent at The Washington Post, I thought about writing a post with the title this post bears.  In the crush of other things, and the uncertainty as...

Edward Snowden officially filed for temporary asylum in Russia on Tuesday, according to the Russian Migration Service and a Russian human rights lawyer.  Wikileaks also tweeted out a confirmation of the news. From Russia Today: The Russian Migration Service confirmed it has received whistleblower Edward Snowden’s application...

Edward Snowden has issued a statement tonight through Wikileaks.  He's not very happy with President Obama. It is posted in its entirety below, from its page at the Wikileaks website. One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were...

In an interview today, President Bashar Assad of Syria claims that Russia has delivered some of the S-300 missiles he bought.The Lebanse paper, Al Akhbar, quoted from an exclusive interview Assad gave to Hezbollah's Al Manar television channel. "Syria has received the first batch of Russian...

Some flee the sinking ship.  Via Times of Israel: Manaf Tlas, one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s closest friends and most trusted military colleagues, who is also the son of the Assad regime’s former long-serving defense minister, has defected from the Assad regime and fled to...

There seems to be a change in Syria, a worsening of the situation for Assad. I can't tell if this is the turning point, a turning point, or just a bump in Assad's road to staying in power with the military help of Iran, Hezbollah...

With so much going on in the domestic political arena, it's easy for attention to get distracted from the Iranian-Hezollah-Russian attempt to keep Bashar Assad in power. Other than when there is a heavy one-day body count, Syria is not in the U.S. news media radar. This...

well, you know, we all want to change your world view. Part 2 here.  And remember Hannity's interview with one of the yutes....