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Russia Tag

In an interview today, President Bashar Assad of Syria claims that Russia has delivered some of the S-300 missiles he bought.The Lebanse paper, Al Akhbar, quoted from an exclusive interview Assad gave to Hezbollah's Al Manar television channel. "Syria has received the first batch of Russian...

Some flee the sinking ship.  Via Times of Israel: Manaf Tlas, one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s closest friends and most trusted military colleagues, who is also the son of the Assad regime’s former long-serving defense minister, has defected from the Assad regime and fled to...

There seems to be a change in Syria, a worsening of the situation for Assad. I can't tell if this is the turning point, a turning point, or just a bump in Assad's road to staying in power with the military help of Iran, Hezbollah...

With so much going on in the domestic political arena, it's easy for attention to get distracted from the Iranian-Hezollah-Russian attempt to keep Bashar Assad in power. Other than when there is a heavy one-day body count, Syria is not in the U.S. news media radar. This...

well, you know, we all want to change your world view. Part 2 here.  And remember Hannity's interview with one of the yutes....

That's what this web ad needs to be reduced to.  Just run the part where they are whispering. Via Lonely Conservative (h/t Linda). ...

to watch this again. I was a student in Moscow at the time, and it was overwhelming.  No one thought it was possible.  And it wasn't, it just happened. ...

First the good news, completely unconfirmed but great to speculate about: Is the Stuxnet computer malworm back on the warpath in Iran? Exhaustive investigations into the deadly explosion last Saturday, Nov. 12 of the Sejil-2 ballistic missile at the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Alghadir base point increasingly to...

The breadth and depth of the Obama's administrations screwed up priorities is straggering. It's not bad enough that they are on the wrong side of big government history domestically, we have witnessed a wholesale abdication of power abroad in a myriad of ways. This story at Commentary,...

While there has been plenty of speculation that Israel has been assassinating Iranians involved in Iran's nuclear program, and sabotaging the program through Stuxnet and other means, would the Israelis sabotage an entire passenger plane to get at five key Russian nuclear experts involved in...

I saw this coming from a mile away.  Actually, from two months away.Obama insisted on a U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing a no-fly zone in Libya.  But the U.S. and NATO attacks on Libya have exceeded the U.N. mandate.  What was hailed as a major...

We have set the bar so low for how the international community deals with the bloodshed in Syria, that even Bashar Assad probably can meet it:The United States said Wednesday that Syria's release of political prisoners "does not go far enough," adding that all such...

Via Instapundit comes word that Russia is embarking on a $650 billion expansion of its conventional military forces and upgrade of its existing nuclear forces:The graying bear is getting a make-over. Russia's military is launching its biggest rearmament effort since Soviet times, including a $650...

..."You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the USSR, yeah"It was just a song.  But to Brian Leiter, a law and philosophy professor at the University of Chicago who frequently takes swipes and swings at conservatives, it had a ring of truth...

I posted numerous times before about the alleged ambiguity in the New START Treaty language regarding missile defense, and how in the rush for a lame duck, pre-Christmas ratification, the Senate ignored differences in interpretation rather than seek clarification from the Russians.The Russians consistently had voiced...

I have kept away from writing about "news" generated from WikiLeaks disclosure of stolen U.S. diplomatic cables.  One of the main problems with using stolen diplomatic cables is that one is unlikely to get the full story in a single cable, leaving the ground clear...

Via The Telegraph:A "Black Widow" suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year's Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early, according to Russian security sources. The unnamed woman, who is thought to be...