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Project Veritas Tag

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released another undercover video featuring CNN's New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr, who doubles down on his comments from a previous video from Project Veritas and criticizes New Day host Chris Cuomo. "I mean granted, anything I've said to you I would defend on the record," he told the Project Veritas investigator. "I don't think I said anything wrong." Carr was captured in previous videos calling President Trump a clown, calling American voters stupid as shit, and saying Kellyanne Conway looks like she got hit by a shovel.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released part three of its explosive investigation into CNN and its obsession with the Russia-President Donald Trump narrative. This video contains two parts surrounding New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr. He speaks to two investigators and tells them that Trump "is a clown," thinks voters are "stupid as sh*t," and guarantees that Trump has paid for abortions. O'Keefe then shows how Carr's New Day program edited a segment with Trump voters that made one man appear to be a conspiracy theorist.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas dropped the second video of a series to expose the media's bias against President Donald Trump. This video catches CNN's Van Jones, one of the more prominent leftist contributors, admitting the Trump-Russia narrative is mostly a "nothing burger." Yesterday's video showed a CNN producer calling the narrative "mostly bullsh*t."

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas released the first video in a series they claim will expose the bias of mainstream media outlets. The video released Tuesday shows an investigator questioning CNN producer John Bonifield about the President Donald Trump-Russia narrative that has dominated the news cycle. Bonifield admitted to the investigator that Trump "is probably right to say, like you are witch hunting me" and that the narrative is "mostly bullsh*t right now" and the network doesn't "have any giant proof."

We recently reported that a website, DisruptJ20, has been created that seems to be the clearing house for the left’s plans to shut down the Inauguration of Donald Trump. James O’Keefe's Project Veritas has just released compelling video, demonstrating how the alt-Left operates at the sleaziest and most destructive levels, and showing one potential DisruptJ20 operation. The first installment of the newest undercover project shows members of an “anti-fascist coalition” planning to sabotage an inauguration party with butyric acid bombs. The hidden camera captures D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition's Colin Dunn, Luke Kuhn, and Scott Green discussing how to shut down the "Deploraball", a gala slated on the eve before the Inauguration.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas is at it again -- needling the hubris of Democratic operatives and claiming scalps. O'Keefe and his band of undercover videographers thrive during election season for obvious reasons -- if you're going to find instances of waste, fraud, and abuse, they're ripe for the picking before election day. Project Veritas' latest series of videos captured a Hillary campaign operative admitting to inciting violence at Trump rallies. "It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker," said Scott Foval, National Field Director at Americans United for Change. "One of the things we do is we stage very authentic grassroots protests right in their faces at their own events. Like, we infiltrate."

As LI readers are well-aware, we value and seek to protect the Second Amendment.  A stance, it would seem, Team Hillary rejects.  A Project Veritas release shows Russ Feingold stating that Hillary "might" issue executive orders on guns should she be elected next month. The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin who is running again in an attempt to win back his old Senate seat, was recorded at a fundraiser saying that Hillary Clinton might issue an executive order on guns. The video was captured by James O’ Keefe’s Project Veritas at an Aug. 17, $2,700 per-head fundraiser held at the Palo-Alto, Calif., home of Democratic donors Amy Rao and Harry Plant. Palo-Alto is located 10 minutes away from Stanford University, where Feingold taught after leaving his position as a special envoy at the U.S. State Department. Feingold can be heard in the video discussing what Hillary Clinton could do in relation to guns if she were to be elected president. “If there’s still Republican control in Congress, and if Hillary is elected, is there anything she can do to uhh…,” a person asks Feingold within the video. “Well, there might be an executive order,” Feingold responds.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has released the first in what they say is a series of videos exposing lawlessness within Hillary Clinton's campaign. O'Keefe has targeted leftist groups in the past over voter registration practices---and now, he has taken that fight directly to Clinton's grassroots operation. He claims that his undercover journalists have found Clinton operatives employing a cherry-picking method of registering new voters. Watch: From Time Magazine:

Today is the official release date of James O'Keefe's new book which Leslie reviewed this weekend, Book Review: James O’Keefe’s Breakthrough. In honor of the release, I assume, O'Keefe rolls out what is sure to become a viral video (via Drudge/Daily Mail): Here's the video: ...

James O'Keefe's book, Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy, should really come with the following warning for summer readers: CAUTION: Compelling book causes intense concentration; sunburn is possible. As I recover from being toasted by the California sun, I wanted to share the...

I was pleased to receive a copy of James O'Keefe's new book, Breakthrough -- Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy. The book will formally be rolled out next week, but you can pre-order at Amazon. Leslie will be doing a full review of the...

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has released a new video that exposes unions willing to dig holes and fill them in again against the backdrop of the farce that is Obama's "shovel-ready jobs" agenda. The video, "Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling...