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Progressives Tag

I've written well over 1,500 posts for Legal Insurrection over the years, and one that stands out in my memory as a heartbreaking emblem of "woke" culture was a post about a school in New York City that was teaching little K-8 white children they were "born racist."  Children were coming home in tears, telling their parents that they were "a bad person."

Young Democratic voters are not particularly excited about the prospect of voting for Joe Biden, and who can blame them? The primary began with over 20 candidates and ended with, well, Joe Biden. Young voters tend to be more progressive and they're getting the most Democrat establishment candidate available.

Democrats have a problem with Latino voters, and it's very similar to the problem they have with other voting blocs. Instead of seeing Latinos as people who care about more than illegal immigration, Democrats don't talk to Latinos about jobs, health care, education, taxes, national security, or anything, really, other than illegal immigration.

Up until recently, all of the 2020 Democratic candidates have been trying very hard to keep their political attacks focused on Trump instead of each other. Things changed at the debate on Tuesday night when Elizabeth Warren and CNN went after Bernie Sanders.