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Obama administration Tag

Joe Biden's pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security is Alejandro Mayorkas, who held a lower position at DHS under Obama. While the media is swooning over this choice, they're leaving out an important part of Mayorkas's record. In 2013, Mayorkas was embroiled in a scandal that involved the alleged sale of a U.S. visa to a Chinese executive for the sake of Hillary Clinton's brother.

When it comes to Joe Biden's eventual running mate, Kamala Harris has drawn the most speculation from pundits, but former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice is a very real possibility. With two former members of the Obama administration on the ticket, this would definitely be like a third term for Obama.

Events are moving quickly, converging on the subterfuge and subversion by Team Obama. Team Obama was behind the Flynn set up. Obama was in on it, and so were others. How deep Obama's own hands go into the spying on the Trump transition remains to be seen, but Obama's staged "leak" criticizing DOJ is a tell.

The Department of Justice dropped its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Thursday due to new information. The DOJ also released documents in its motion. These documents showed President Barack Obama knew details from Flynn's wire-tapped calls, and then-Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein expanded the Russia-Trump collusion probe beyond its primary scope.

Despite former Attorney General Eric Holder referring to himself in that role as then-president Obama's "wingman," Democrats have been swooning for the nearest fainting couch over a few tweets from President Trump regarding the Roger Stone sentencing recommendation.  They claim to be outraged because Trump, they screech, is undermining DOJ independence.

Under the Obama regime, the VA underwent major restrictive changes in terms of religion and Christmas, with various VA's around the country instituting a range of bans.  Bibles, high school Christmas carolers, gifts in wrapping paper with the words "Merry Christmas" or "God Bless You," Christmas trees and decorations, and even Christmas cards for hospitalized veterans were all banned.  It was an appalling overreach that is now, at long last, being corrected under the Trump administration. Vice President Mike Pence has announced changes in VA rules, and religious items, including those related to Christmas, are again allowed in our nation's VA hospitals.