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Nancy Pelosi Tag

After an entire summer of protests, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid were determined, in late 2009, to set the groundwork for shoving ObamaCare down the throat of every American (who never liked or wanted it  . . . and still don't). Remember those late 2009 special sessions in which Democrats planned to push through as much of the ObamaCare monstrosity as they could before the January, 2010 special election in Massachusetts?

The Russian hacking/tainted election story line is a particularly fascinating coping mechanism in leftist elite circles. All signs point to a painfully out of touch party platform, the world's worst presidential candidate, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the political landscape, yet Democrats are blaming the Russians for their embarrassing electoral loss. Worse still, there's no new evidence to suggest Russians swayed election results. Sure, the Wikileaks stuff was nasty, but that's old news. Should it be investigated? Probably. Though the same people demanding an investigation into this alleged hacking's electoral impact NOW also declared with certainty that Hillary's home-brewed server was never infiltrated by foreign foes. It's almost like this story line was cooked up as a last ditch effort to overturn the election results. Almost.

Margaret Thatcher once famously said that "the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Is that what's happened to the Democratic party? Morning Joe devoted a navel-gazing segment today to the question of where Dems go from here given their loss of the presidency, their failure to take back either house of congress, and their hemorrhaging of governorships and hundreds of state-legislature seats. There was consensus that Nancy Pelosi and her septuagenarian cohort in the Dem leadership were past their sell-by dates. But the bigger problem that was posed was the lack of a Dem agenda, and the suggestion that the Dems need to come up with "new ideas." One Dem panelist claimed "we do have some of those" ideas, but neither he nor anyone else could describe them in any detail. And therein lies the looming disaster for the Dems.

Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan is challenging Nancy Pelosi for minority leader in the House. He promises to take the party national, from it's current West Coast and Northeast regional party status. He also threatened a "Youngstown street fight" if Republicans try to defund Planned Parenthood:
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) on Sunday said Democrats will try to work with the incoming president but will push back if he doesn't keep his promises to the middle class. "If he tries to defund Planned Parenthood, if he tries to kick people off their health insurance, if he tries to privatize Medicare and cut taxes for the wealthy, we are going to have a 'Youngstown street fight' in the Capitol," Ryan said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Here's more proof that the Democrats learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election. They've been relegated to America's liberal coastal communities and Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio is a lone man calling out in the wilderness for a change in direction. Some liberals are responding by doubling down on identity politics and charges of sexism. The New York Post reports:
Democratic minority challenger accused of sexism Rep. Tim Ryan’s challenge of the female Democratic minority leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, has ignited charges of sexism.

Defeat after defeat on Tuesday has left the Democrat Party in shambles. So much so they cannot decide on a leader. Rep. Nancy Pelosi has led the House Democrats since 2002 while Sen. Chuck Schumer will replace Harry Reid as Senate Minority Leader. But now the Democrats have delayed a vote on leadership in the House, possibly a sign that Pelosi's time has ended. In the Senate, anti-Trump protesters in DC have begun protesting Senator Shumer's new role.

On Sunday, Leslie reported that the Pentagon has started to collect overpayments officials made to 10,000 National Guard soldiers in California to reenlist for war. Now House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has joined forces with California GOP members to ask the Pentagon to stop these collections:
“These brave Californians were willing to give everything to serve our country, and they earned every penny and benefit given to them," Pelosi said Monday in a brief statement.

In the wake of the news that Bernie Sanders' "free stuff for everyone" proposals will cost taxpayers $19.6 trillion in new taxes, Nancy Pelosi is distancing Democrats from his massive tax increases. The Hill reports:
Democrats are not on board with the tax hikes Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has proposed to pay for his single-payer healthcare proposal, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday. "We're not running on any platform of raising taxes," Pelosi said during a press briefing to launch the Democrats' yearly issues conference in Baltimore, Md. "We do want to have a fairer tax system, and … we hope that we can do that this year."

When John Boehner shocked everyone yesterday by announcing he would step down as house speaker, even Obama dropped his partisanship long enough to say a few nice things. No such courtesy was afforded by former house speaker Nancy Pelosi who used the opportunity to bash House Republicans as extremists who want to shut down the government. Carolyn May of Breitbart reported:
Pelosi: Boehner Resignation 'Indication of Disarray in GOP' Speaking to reporters Friday, Pelosi called Boehner’s resignation “a stark indication of the disarray of the House Republicans.” She continued, adding that it is “a demonstration of [House Republicans’] obsession with shutting down government at the expense of women’s health and a sign of the failure of the House Republicans to be willing to engage in dialogue for the good of the American people and for us to move forward.”

The inner-party tension over the Democratic primary debate schedule boiled over at a New Hampshire Democratic Party convention Saturday. According to the Washington Post, more than 4,000 delegates and guests were at the event. When Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped up to speak, convention goers began chanting, "we want debates!"

Earlier this week, protesters rallied outside of the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington, DC to oppose the rules that DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has imposed on Democratic primary candidates. What's the controversy? Most of the opposition boils down to the limited number of debates candidates will have the opportunity to participate in. In addition to scheduling just 6 officially-sanctioned debates, the DNC (via DWS) has limited the potential for rogue forums by creating a new rule: if a Democrat chooses to participate in a non-sanctioned debate, they’ll be banned from future sanctioned ones. The candidates aren't happy; even some of DWS's DNC colleagues aren't happy (DNC Vice Chairs Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) and R.T. Rybak released a joint statement asking DWS to revoke the sanctioned debates only-rule); and now, Democratic heavy-hitter Nancy Pelosi has weighed in against DWS's mandate. From the LA Times:

Now that Harry Reid has announced his retirement, some Democrats think it's time for Pelosi to do the same. Two congressmen from Massachusetts are leading the charge. Daniel Bassali of the Washington Free Beacon:
Dem Reps: Nancy Pelosi Needs to Go A couple of Massachusetts congressmen suggested Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D., Calif.) efforts in the House are not working, with Democrats losing seats in the lower chamber at historic levels. “Nancy Pelosi will not lead us back to the majority,” Rep. Steve Lynch (D., Mass.) said. Democrats control 188 seats in the House, compared to Speaker John Boehner’s (R., Ohio) dominant 247 seats. In fact, since President Obama took office, Democrats have lost nearly 70 seats in the House, putting him in the company of Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt, and Harry Truman. Republicans have not held this many seats in the House since 1949. With such overwhelming odds against them, it would be difficult to find a political expert who believes the Democrats could regain control of the House in 2016. “I think we need leadership that understands if something you are doing is not working, change what you are doing,” Rep. Michael Capuano (D., Mass.), her former transition chief, said.
Take a look:

Now that Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has been exposed for the liberal pseudo-mastermind that he is, people are beginning to ask Democratic Party leaders how much they knew about him. Nancy Pelosi denied knowing him yesterday, but she's been caught in a lie. Aaron Blake of the Washington Post reported:
Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t know who Jonathan Gruber is. She touted his work in 2009. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that, not only did Jonathan Gruber not play a significant role in drafting Obamacare, but that she doesn't even "know who he is." Many have pointed out since then that Pelosi's office has cited Gruber's work in the past. That's notable, but it's very unlikely Pelosi herself wrote those press releases herself or even participated in their drafting. But then there's this: Pelosi herself has also mentioned Gruber and his work -- back in November 2009, at the height of the Obamacare debate.
Here's the video. Who do you believe--Ms. Pelosi, or your lying eyes?

No one is sure what's going to happen in November but many experts are predicting that Republicans will win control of the Senate. Nancy Pelosi, though, isn't worried, she's looking forward to taking back both Houses of Congress in 2016, while maintaining the presidency to boot. Rebecca Shabad of The Hill reports:
Pelosi: Dems will take Congress, WH in '16 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted a Democratic sweep in 2016. If Republicans keep the House in November, Pelosi said they wouldn’t hold their majority for long. “Their days are numbered. I know that in two years, I know we’ll have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president,” she told reporters at her weekly press conference. “I’d like it to be in two months,” she added. Asked if she was conceding that Republicans would hold the House in November’s midterms, Pelosi insisted, “No, I’m not." “I think we’ll do okay,” said Pelosi, who was headed to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to discuss the elections. Pelosi compared November’s midterms to the Olympics, in which the final result can come down to a matter of inches or seconds. “Five weeks from today, we can have no regrets,” she said.
Nothing is set in stone and Republicans shouldn't be overconfident but Red State editor Erick Erickson sees one sign that shows Democrats are very worried.

Do you know what keeps Nancy Pelosi up at night? It isn't ISIS. Three days ago, she insisted that if Republicans take control of the Senate it would bring about the end of civilization. Now, she's claiming that America isn't at war with the Islamic State. The Washington Free Beacon reported:
Nancy Pelosi: We Are Not At War With ISIL If you have been following the ISIL crisis, you know our government officials have not quite decided if we are “at war” with the Islamic extremists or not. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) affirmed today that the U.S. is not at war with ISIL, though she called the matter “deadly serious.” “We have initiated hostilities against ISIS, that’s for sure,” Pelosi told MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow. “[War] would require a declaration of war by the Congress of the United States.” Pelosi echoed the Obama administration’s assurance that no U.S. troops would fight the extremists in a combat mission. She instead expressed support for arming and training “responsible” Syrian rebels.