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Nancy Pelosi Tag

Nancy Pelosi, Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod claim it's over, they have the votes. Just about everyone else, including some Democrats in the House, say it ain't so yet.We cannot believe anything that comes from the mouths of Democratic leaders and consultants; it all is...

It's hard to know if this really is the week when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid finally get their way.Regardless of outcome, these have been some of our finest hours.From the Tea Parties which sprang to life last April, to the townhalls over...

Ok, so Eric Massa has issues. But sometimes people with issues are correct.As we roll towards the latest deadline to pass Obamacare, it is clear that Massa's departure at this moment in time was a result of his vocal willingness to vote against the Democratic...

Yesterday it was reported that Nancy Pelosi signalled that the proposal to be unveiled tomorrow by Barack Obama would be "much smaller." That made news, because it suggested that Obama may be rolling out a "much smaller" plan than either the House or Senate bills,...

Hot off the presses: After Scott Brown's victory, the only thing that could top this would be for Nancy Pelosi to announce that she doesn't have the votes in the House to pass Harrycare. Hey, you can't take away my dreams.Update: OMG, dreams really do...

Harry Reid got his 60 votes earlier this morning. Some initial thoughts:The mainstream media is going to go back into campaign mode, to see that some form of Harry-Nancy-Obama-care, or is it Obama-Nancy-Harry-care, gets passed. The NY Times already is on the case pressing the...

John Hawkins has an interesting post regarding a conversation he had with a Senate staffer on the chances of Obama-Pelosi-Reid-care passing this year (not likely) or in January (50/50):John: But still, it's looking grim right?Senate Aide X: They are in much worse shape now than...

Andrew Sullivan called for Barack Obama to release Obama's full birth certificate:It is not my job as a journalist or yours as a citizen to take public officials on trust. They are not to be trusted, whoever they are. It is our job to demand...

In my post the other day, Berkeley Students Should Be Protesting Obamacare, I made the point that the Berkeley student protesters were too stupid to realize that their future was being sold out from under them under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care restructuring plans because younger...

Harry Reid wants a Saturday night vote to open debate in the Senate on Reid's 2,074 page attempt to restructure the health care system.What will the Senator then do? Actually start debate? No, they will leave for the Thanksgiving break.So what's the hurry? The same...

Is it possible to pay more than 100% of your last dollar of income in taxes? And if it were, would you bother to earn that last dollar?Herein lies the key to how Democrats will obtain a permanent, economically-enslaved majority if universal income-based health care...

I so love to say I told you so.On Sunday, after recovering from the intial reaction to the House vote, I cautioned that the Stupak Amendment created an impossible situation for Democrats. While Democrats were still drunk with jubilation over the Great Saturday Night Victory,...

Joe Lieberman threw a healthy dose of water on the Pelosi-Reid-Obama health care fire this morning, reiterating that he will join in a Republican filibuster of any Senate health care bill which contains a public option. This is at least the second time in recent...

First impressions and reactions can be dangerous, but here goes:Passing the monstrous health care bill by just 5 votes in the House is a pyrrhic victory. Yes, it is a victory tonight for Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, but at an enormous political price.There will...

The attempts by Nancy Pelosi to cajole and/or threaten House Democrats into voting for the House health care restructuring bill has a surreal quality about it.Pelosi reminds me of a suicidal jumper on a ledge, with Republicans trying to talk Pelosi down since if she...

Don't have much time this morning to comment further, but note the irony that today the jobless rate hit a 25-year high at 10.2%, and tomorrow night Democrats in the House of Representatives are planning to push through a health care restructuring bill that is...

No, not really. But neither did the Democrats on Tuesday, notwithstanding Nancy Pelosi's proclamation on Wednesday that "We won": "From my perspective, we won last night. We had one race that we were engaged in -- it was in northern New York. It was a...

I'm watching Nancy Pelosi's press conference announcing the final House Democratic health restructuring bill. It's 1990 pages.We'll see what the bill really says once we have time to analyze it, but here's what we know from prior versions, news reports, and Pelosi's talking points. The...