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Michael Avenatti Tag

Just a few months ago, people on CNN and MSNBC were calling Michael Avenatti a contender for 2020. His legal troubles have put an end to that, but Avenatti still wants to be involved so he endorsed Joe Biden. What a great win for Joe.

A federal grand jury in Los Angeles indicted celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti with 36 counts that include "fraud, perjury, failure to pay taxes, embezzlement and other financial crimes." The DOJ wrote in its press release that Avenatti faces 10 counts of wire fraud, 19 tax-related charges, two counts of bank fraud, and four bankruptcy fraud charges, and embezzlement charges.

Before Avenatti was facing charges for embezzelment and dealing with a hefty IRS bill (and investigation), he charmed the media in his role as wanna be Trump foil. Seems like only yesterday they were fawning over Avenatti, talking about him as a serious 2020 contender, and here's the supercut to prove it:

Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti faces federal charges of extortion, bank fraud, and wire fraud in New York and California. He left jail on Monday after posting a $300,000 bond. Avenatti almost immediately sat down with CBS News to explain his side of the story. He claims he never tried to extort Nike, but admits he's "nervous" and scared" at the thought of spending the rest of his life in prison.

At 11:16AM, lawyer Michael Avenatti tweeted about his press conference tomorrow morning, which would cover a high school/prep school scandal that involves Nike. Only 46 minutes later, a CNN reporter tweeted that the Southern District of New York charged Avenatti for "attempting to extract more than $20M in payments from a publicly traded company by threatening to use his ability to garner publicity to inflict substantial financial & reputational harm on the company if his demands were not met." The DOJ also announced Avennati's arrest on a separate charge of federal bank fraud and wire fraud.

This quote from the L.A. Times about Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels (aka Stephanie Clifford) parting ways perfectly sums up the result of Avenatti's legal prowess:
"While the two lawsuits produced no courtroom victory for Avenatti, they did turn him into a celebrity"

Back in May 2018, attorney Michael Avenatti published what looked like bank records related to President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, who in turn demanded the court force Avenatti to reveal his source. Avenatti claimed that Cohen lacked evidence that he received or distributed any bank records. At the time, Cohen represented Stormy Daniels in her case against Trump. Well, now an IRS employee has been charged with providing Cohen's information to Avenatti.

Lawyer Michael Avenatti decided to give up financial control of his law firm after his former partner accused him of hiding millions of dollar in order "to avoid having to pay a $10 million judgement." From Fox News:
Jason Frank, a former partner at Eagan Avenatti, accused Avenatti in a court filing of spending extravagantly: $13,000 in rent for his Los Angeles apartment; a $3,640 payment on his Ferrari; $150,000 for his coffee company; $53,600 on his ex-wife; and $232,875 for his auto racing team, The Los Angeles Times reported.

The Washington Free Beacon is a super fab site for many reasons. Somewhere at the top of that list is their neverending ability to troll the heck out of internet-made celebrities who are almost always completely lacking in self-awareness. Enter fame-lusting porn lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who made the WFB's Man of the Year list.

Monday, actress Mareli Miniutti requested a restraining order against estranged boyfriend, Michael Avenatti. Avenatti is the fame-lusting attorney who represented porn actress Stormy Daniels. Miniutti alleges Avenatti called her an "ungrateful bitch" and forcibly removed her from his apartment, leaving her legs and back scratched up.