We'll admit it up front: there's not much redeeming social value in the story we're about to present you. Let's just call this political entertainment of the pugilistic sort between two people who clearly have little use for each other.
Over the course of a longish segment on today's
With All Due Respect, Trump surrogate Boris Epshteyn and Gary Johnson backer Liz Mair engaged in a running battle. The barbs came fast and furious, with, among other things: Mair—playing the sexism card—ripping Epshteyn for interrupting her;
Boris noting Mair's fascination with the word "butt" and taunting her over not having a job this election cycle; and Mair suggesting that Boris had trouble keeping up with the news. At the end, when John Heilemann facetiously observed that it had been a real "lovefest,"
Mair retorted "I don't do the loving, I do the hating."