The Conservative Case for Marco Rubio
January 26, 2016
Florida Senator Marco Rubio would be a strong conservative choice for the Republican nomination for President.
In this post I will present you with the facts about his strengths and his conservative record. And yes, I'll also address the two big criticisms, experience and immigration, and lay out why they are strengths for him.
Rubio's a naturally gifted speaker with a quick mind, unlikely to make a fool of himself on the debate stage. A 44 year old Cuban-American with a beautiful young family and a compelling life story, he provides a strong and positive contrast to the cranky grandparents' club of Democratic candidates. Throughout the campaign, polls have shown that Rubio is the GOP's strongest competition against Hillary Clinton -- he's the "electable conservative."
He's shown an ability to respond to negative attacks with wit and humor, a crucial skill in what will most certainly be a bare knuckles brawl of an election. The contrast between the Rubio campaign's lighthearted self-mocking in #RubioCrimeSpree and the ongoing drip-drip-drip of news stories about classified information on Clinton's email server could not be sharper.