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Marco Rubio Tag

The city council in New York recently voted to allow 800,000 non-citizens to vote in local elections, a move many people believe is a test run for the bigger goal of letting all illegal immigrants vote. Now Senate Republicans are pushing back by crafting legislation that would bar cities and states from receiving federal funds if they do this.

We turned our clocks forward Saturday before bedtime for Daylight Savings Time (DST), which left us with one hour less of sleep on Sunday. Most of us dragged ourselves around the final day of the weekend. A lot of us also complained about the time change on social media, including politicians. President Donald Trump voiced his support for making DST permanent, but to do that involves Congress.

Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio addressed The King's Academy's senior class at its graduation ceremony, encouraging the 142 members of the Class of 2018 to rebel against our current culture. Rubio paraphrased the typical commencement address, most of which are full of shallow, self-serving platitudes, reflective of today's extremely secular, cruel culture.

The GOP's vision of passing a tax bill in the Senate is slowing fading as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has threatened to vote no on it unless the bill expands the child tax credit. From The Washington Post:
“I understand that this is a process of give and take, especially when there’s only a couple of us fighting for it, the leverage is lessened,” Rubio (R-Fla.) said Thursday in the Senate. “But given all the other changes made in the tax code leading into it, I can’t in good conscience support it unless we are able to increase [the child tax credit], and there’s ways to do it and we’ll be very reasonable about it.”