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Louis Farrakhan Tag

After more than a year of escalating anti-Semitic attacks, evidence shows that the key groups and figures behind the Black Lives Matter movement — heavily influenced in its ideology by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam — have been instrumental in stoking Jew-hate disguised as social justice activism.

This past Sunday, March 14, 2021, marked the 2021 Grammys award ceremony. Usually, I pay exactly zero attention to celebrity awards shows, but this year's event deserves a mention. After a year marked by ever-increasing anti-Semitic incidents and the continued normalization of leftist Jew-hate, the Recording Academy decided that what the show really needed was a special performance by disgraced former Women's March leader, Louis Farrakhan-supporter, and (as far as I can tell) non-musician Tamika Mallory.

Look, I'm all for free speech, mainly because it outs the racists and bigots so I know who to avoid. But Louis Farrakhan's racist and anti-Semitic views came out a long time ago and he needs to go away.

The recent spike in attacks on Jews in the greater New York City area follows a pattern that does not fit with the media portrayal of violence against Jews being solely a 'white nationalist' problem. All or almost all of the attacks were perpetrated by non-whites, including the deadly shooting in Jersey City, street attacks in Brooklyn, and the machete attack in Monsey. While this seems to come out of nowhere, in fact there has been a highly organized and aggressive campaign to stoke and exploit pre-existing racial tensions against Jews as part of anti-Israel activist tactics. The effort goes back decades to Louis Farrakhan, who serves as an inspiration for "intersectional" activists like Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, and Linda Sarsour, formerly of the Women's March.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has made it known that he will not stop meeting or communicating with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Booker made the surprising declaration after an audience member at a faith breakfast asked if he would avoid Farrakhan due to his anti-Semitism.

The United Center in Chicago, IL, home to the Chicago Bulls and Blackhawks, hosted the Nation of Islam's Savior's Day over the weekend. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan used the keynote address to do what he does best: bash Jews and white people. Legal Insurrection has for years documented the ties between the anti-Semite and Women's March. Farrakhan blamed the "wicked Jews" on that coverage.

As the Women's March bleeds supporters over the support of anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, leaders Bob Bland and Tamika Mallory appeared on The View. Instead of condemning Farrakhan's hatred of Jews, Mallory doubled down:
“I think it’s important to put my attendance, my presence at Savior’s Day — which is the highest holy day for the Nation of Islam — in proper context,” Mallory replied. “As a leader, as a black leader in a country that is still dealing with some very serious unresolved issues as it relates to the black experience in this country, I go into a lot of difficult spaces.”

The Daily Beast has reported that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has decided not to partner with the Women's March this year. SPLC considers Nation of Islam, which is led by Louis Farrakhan, a hate group. Women's March leaders Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour are some of Farrakhan's biggest supporters.

The Women's March has lost celebrity followers and local chapters as more people pick up on the anti-Semitic beliefs of those at the top of the food chain. The slow drip started to hemorrhage in November when Tablet magazine exposed the hatred inside of the leaders. Now actress Rosanna Arquette threatened to boycott the march if the organization doesn't do anything about its leadership.

Another one bites the dust. I blogged last week that the National Organization for Women (NOW) decided not to donate to the Women's March anymore due to the anti-Semitic and racism attitudes of those who lead the organization. NOW's Baton Rouge chapter announced on Saturday that it will cancel the planned Women's March in New Orleans in January.

The organizers of the Women's March in Chicago have canceled the 2019 march due to the anti-Semitic views of Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory at the national level. The ties to Nation of Islam and hatred of Jews by the leaders is nothing new to us at LI, but since Tablet magazine's investigation, the fallout continues and no one can ignore the truth anymore.

Very few publications have consistently brought to light the anti-Semitism and racism showcased by the leaders of the Women's March. Legal Insurrection is one of them. But when Tablet magazine published an investigation into the behaviors by the leaders, especially Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, other publications finally spoke up about it. The New York Times did this on Sunday, but instead of stating that the leaders have anti-Semitic views, the left-wing Bible framed it as accusations.

The Nation of Islam, led by rabid anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, is a hate group. Farrakhan constantly spits out hate towards whites and Jews. The man referred to Jews as termites and hailed Hitler as a great man. He authored the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews where he accused Jews of spreading the slavery trade and controlling the global economy. Farrakhan has even said he thinks the Jews masterminded 9/11. But for some reason the government has been giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to Farrakhan's hate group since 2008 in order teach religious classes to federal prisoners.